Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weight loss in three stages

REVIEW: healthy weight loss, "the eight rings" lets you view a healthy diet and good habits. Because the real weight must go back to everyday life, the soul from self-encouragement, meizitang slimming to the daily diet, exercise, etc. to develop the right habits, healthy weight loss is the most powerful protection. Really want to "quit fat"? It would adhere to the "Journey of life" 21 days to go!
"Life Journey" Why adhere to 21 days? Because many scientific studies show that: a person in order to develop a habit, 21 days is a threshold, if the threshold can be crossed, meizitang slimming then you develop a habit of it. Of course, here called "21 days", is continuous. Even if you are in the first 20 days "Precept Breaking", then even if you start from scratch "Pig life."
 "One Ring" minds
But the survey showed that many psychological problems, obesity. Such as fat children often lack the confidence, psychological stress, overweight women prone to depression, fat men are often aggressive. So this first ring is to lay down their heavy thoughts.
Many obese people feel satisfied with the love aspect; there is no sense of security, meizitang slimming then by over-eating to compensate for this lack of sense. Psychological impact of body fat and lean! If you do not remove emotions from the heart, garbage, removed some of the fundamental patterns of behavior, constantly suppress their own, even if weight loss success, a period of time may have two results: there is an opposite force will bounce back, weight rebound; its Second, the long-term depression, even slim people have become very emaciated, and even lead to depression.
You can do this:
Re in the heart completely accept myself, telling myself: "I love you, no matter what you grow into, meizitang slimming I will always love you." When you unconditionally accept their appearance, genetic and accept its problems, physical discomfort will let your mind return to calm. When you have this attitude, weight loss will be happy, because then you will not be too demanding of your body.
 "Two ring" blind
Diet pills, fruit meals, diet recipes, dieting NFAM method, acupuncture, cupping, you are not online to see what weight loss remedies, or what a friend said effective weight loss methods, the just-in try it, a typical "fat critically ill '?
Frequent face a variety of network weight loss articles, physician analysis: "three-day apple diet" does not take into account the nutritional balance of factors, most of this is just minus the water; "ginger tea diet" hot ginger to make use of body heat, meizitang slimming improve metabolism, achieve weight loss results, but if the food were suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, it may be because the ginger to stimulate and worse.
You can do this:
According to experience, what their circumstances easier to gain weight, find the "fat due to" meizitang slimming conduct its own natural adjustment; or asked the experts to you "look and smell."
"Three ring" greedy
Food balance is the foundation of all our balance. In addressing the basic "hunger", if you are still craving to satisfy their appetites, or emotional problems such as vent depressed, blind to eat, it will lead to over-eating, nutrition, overweight, and so on.
Sometimes you may be faced with "false hunger." It is said of the dessert, cake without “resistance” eats each meal, but also to them were dessert. Others say: "As long as open food books, meizitang slimming I will feel hungry, even if only just to eat." Still others worry about distraction, eliminate anxiety, stress, depression, anger, etc. and "eat."
You can do this:
Retrieve physical hunger, the meal can be hungry. Eating, do not gobble, too fast; not "Four ring" still
Relatively static and movement, sleepiness, meal sedentary, lazy way of life are still performance.
Because different genes, some people's metabolism rate naturally faster than others, some people store fat in the body when more efficient, which means that the "obesity gene" people faster than the metabolism of people with more time to metabolic heat. When food enters the body will become free fatty acids, you want to go out this part of energy metabolism, fat little man to consciously increase the amount of exercise, such as a walk after dinner, proper fitness.
Many people exercise to lose weight is a respected way to lose weight, because the exercise can promote metabolism, consume excess body fat. However, meizitang slimming obese people do not choose the best impact of vigorous exercise, such as the rejection of fat, but should choose cycling, jogging, swimming and so on.
Either physical, want to lose weight, appropriate exercise is necessary! Many institutions now offer weight loss 'is sports' diet, for both Xiangshou people too lazy to move, meizitang slimming but in fact 'stationary ring' are often our own best of its ability, such as immediately after a meal do not sit, stand fifteen minutes; ten minutes, do not drive it! "
You can do this:
1, adhere to a walk after dinner, every day do not sleep more than 10 hours.
2, choose their own sport, and not be too severe, the key is persistence. The best fitness something to eat 2 hours before, but not recommended a substantial meal.
3, you shall focus on the "guts" campaign, a 15 minute daily abdominal breathing.
 "Five Precepts" poison
Obesity (especially abdominal prominent) Most of the people suffering from constipation, some people think this is poor detoxification. From the Chinese perspective, meizitang slimming any disease is poor because the meridians, yin and yang imbalance, because the meridian blockage, toxins, waste can not be successfully discharged, accumulation of body fat formation.
Where blocked and not alleviated, may cause the entire traffic system was paralyzed. Many people think that eating too much fat is in fact ranked too low. Meridian in the meridian blockage makes the emergence of barriers to tissue fluid circulation, leading to body waste, toxic build up, so the formation of long-term obesity.
Therefore, the blockage of the meridian to "ease" is "radical" way to lose weight. In recent years, acupuncture, moxibustion, manual massage to lose weight, muscle weight aside, meizitang slimming or meridians of the brush with a thin tool, is a weight loss stimulating the meridian and the evolution of form. Through massage you can clear the meridians in the blood, coordinating organs, allowing the body to the body's own "income" for better regulation.
You can do this:
1, drink plenty of water, to accelerate the use of sweat and urine excretion of toxins from the body.
2, Such as bubble bath, as long as it is hot, sweating can play a detoxification and metabolic role. To enhance the effect, it can be added to perspiration bath salts, essential oils and other conditioning; hit with a pulse (at the waist, like a belt around the horizontal circle). Is lying in bed, and then light hammer hand around the waist feel their pain and the site of fat, 100 times or more. meizitang slimming Of course, the knock with a good way to grasp the pulse and intensity, particularly elderly and infirm, to appropriate the trip; push the abdomen, the stomach is pushed with a finger, hand, fist can be, pushed to the lower abdomen from the chest down, each morning wake up time to push, push once before going to sleep at night, may also be pushing the usual boring.
"Six ring" cold
Here, "cold" and not just "hot" relative, referring to the "chilling" and "cold body." Loss of confidence in the future for themselves and the people that the "chilling" (see, "a guard thing"). "Cold body" is so fat, deeply "in love" cold site, as to "protect" them - the human body is sometimes so subtle.
You may have noticed that the woman from head to toe in the Middle East, "wrapped" very tight, and meizitang botanical slimming can be the only the exposed belly has become very stout; Japan, mostly women, like to wear short skirts all year round do not wear socks, and their legs Chief seems That is because fat born with "warm" role, a see which side the "cold", it will take the initiative, "surrounded by" up, to catch cold as the place to cover the top quilt.
"Because the human body to maintain 37.5 ℃, if the cold, the body will automatically open the system to increase the fat to heat", the total number of cold to eat the digestible food, fat chance will increase, and the total stomach cool. Because the stomach constantly accelerated motion, not to the body heat, but also to ensure the normal body temperature, can only increase the fat, meizitang slimming, this is a cold body, on the cover. "Fat is" the truth. "Therefore, obesity should be more hot food intake, such as grains or cereals, to avoid cold and acidic foods (such as carbonated beverages), intake of digestible food. Like milk, soy milk, protein molecules and their human proteins are different, do not digest and absorb the evening to eat tofu, not easy to digest. do not recommend the finale of fruit after a meal, but you can occasionally eat fruit, to supplement the body essential vitamins.
You can do this:
1, all day wearing high heels can cause red veins and Due barrier, usually hot foot bath can be used daily to promote leg circulation.
2, you can "fend off the cold to hot" discharge means the cold, such as fumigation, moxibustion and so on.
. Eating disorders, time properly, stay up year round so they easily lead to bad habits of life puffiness.
By analyzing the weight loss market, the proportion of people finds customers, endocrine disorders caused by the rapid rise in the proportion of obese people. And late at night, meizitang slimming irregular eating, insomnia and other bad habits, lifestyle, and long-term cycle, endocrine disorders is the "incentive."
 "Seven rings" does not rule
For the bad habits of the MM, even through the apparatus, massage and other external means to slim down, it must gradually establish a good lifestyle, from diet, sleep, exercise habits, etc. slowly nursed back to health, or easy to rebound.
Weight loss in three stages, first stage of treatment, and the second is a period of consolidation and the third is self-adjusted post. A favorite course of the stage, because at that stage was the most obvious out of the fleshy week several kilograms of speed reduction results always give help but Xinxin Ran, meizitang slimming it ignores a very important second phase - a period of consolidation. "Period of consolidation is generally 1-3 months, is critical. First, there is no cure to stop fat free diet, fat is in the affirmative; the second is off the meat is only superficial, endocrine and metabolic system if there is no law, or that the fat equal to the white cut. "final stage depends on our self-monitoring, as long as eating and drinking normally do not suddenly rebound.
You can do this:
1, give you a rough work schedule and stick to it.
2, refused to stay up all night and improve sleep. meizitang slimming If the non-staying up late is not that the best use of other additional rest time, 10-minute midday nap is also very useful.

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