Monday, May 21, 2012

Sugar snap peas are also a kind of delicious and low-in fat meizitang nack

Core Tip: with the coming of fall and the diet also need a bit of change, so as to ensure effective and healthy weight loss, so meizitang slimming recommends the following kinds of healthy foods which are most suitable for losing weight quickly, while also can complement nutrients to body.

1 carrot

In spring, carrot is so sweet and also abundant in water. It is very popular for weight loss. In addition, carrots contains low heat, it can restrain your desire for sugar. Cook soup with it or eat in raw are both health and delicious. So for girls who want to lose weight, meizitang slimming thinks it is good choice.

2, spinach

In spring spinach has strong flavor. Per cup of spinach only contains 10 calories. It can not only meet the cellulose supplement, it is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals. Spinach can increase the sense of full and so reduce appetite, so meizitang slimming thinks it is a choice for people who want to lose weight and can not bear the suffer of hungry. .

3, sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas are low in calories and high in fiber, which can do well for heart and lose weight. It also grows in spring. Sugar snap peas are also a kind of delicious and low-in fat meizitang nack. Sugar snap peas can give you a variety of nutrients which the body needs. From the point of meizitang slimming, fried with olive oil or do vegetable salads both are very tasteful weight-loss food.

4, okra

Okra, also known as okra, coffee, Huang Kui, hair eggplant, okra has now become so popular after viewed as high nutritional vegetables. The study found that okra contains cellulose which can help speed up fat burning and promote the excretion of metabolites. In addition, it also helps to maintain a stable blood sugar levels, these are the key to weight loss. However, meizitang slimming reminds you be sure to roast it when eat which has better function for losing weight.

5, rabbit

Rabbit meat contains more protein than other meats, and its low-calorie is a good healthy choice for weight loss. Rabbit meat is a high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat, texture delicate, delicious, nutrient-rich, compared with other meats, has a high digestibility (85%), food can easily be digested after absorption, which is not found in other meats. Therefore, the rabbit meat is a very popular weight-loss food.

6, wild leeks

Wild leek generally appears only a few weeks in the spring, per 100 grams contains only 35 calories, the taste is very good which is a very good food for losing weight. If you like them, it is best to buy locally, and then put into the refrigerator, meizitang botanical slimming put it in cold condition can keep it fresh for long time.

7, Morel

Morel is a very nutritious wild mushrooms. Morel inhibit tumor-containing polysaccharides, antibacterial, antiviral active ingredient, with enhanced immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-virus, inhibit tumor, and many other role; Japanese scientists found morel extract containing tyrosinase inhibition agent can effectively suppress the formation of lipofuscin, it is ideal food for fat people

8, bean sprouts

Both bean sprouts and mung bean sprouts have high medicinal value. Especially the green beans after germination, the vitamin C content of up to seven times of the original bean. Bean sprouts with a low calorie and high content of fiber and water, so eat bean sprouts can achieve the goal of weight loss. Meizitang slimming knows that bean sprouts have the same function of chives, which can also prevention constipation.

9, beet

Sugar beet is one of the super foods to lose weight in the Mediterranean diet. 1 cup sugar beet can provide you with 30% of the human body needs folic acid and vitamin B. Beet contains rich in cellulose and pectin which can help clean up the stomach, relieve constipation. In addition, from the point of meizitang slimming, it has obvious function of losing weight.

10, broad beans

Beans contain a large number of proteins and large amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and so on. According to nutrition experts, broad bean has a role of benefiting spleen and it can also take effect on obesity, especially for water-based obesity, so it has some effect on weight loss, can replace the fine rice noodles as staple food.

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