Sunday, May 20, 2012

Meizitang botanical slimming warming up not ready to fully when also prone to cramp

Fitness process must pay attention to the safety of fitness, especially in winter; fitness is the most common injuries of the season. Don't let the following these injuries affect your fitness.
Sudden death
Sudden cardiac death including quiet model and sports two kinds, 81% of the sudden death of type is quiet, that is because of a coronary heart disease and pulmonary embolism and cause. In addition to the heart disease to the sudden death outside, botanical slimming sports excessive is also happen one of the important reasons for the sudden death. Such as long-distance running exercise heart circulation system will be overwhelmed, need the amount of blood and oxygen quantity of sudden increase, and supply but relatively less, in the blood and oxygen supply, the heart of the runners will be acute ischemia, and then there cardiac arrest and cerebral blood flow interruption. To ensure that the movement when running safety, if in the run was not well, want to stop right there, 10 million don't go.
Tennis elbow
Not only is tennis sports can cause tennis elbow, playing badminton, table tennis and housework can also cause disease. Patients will feel the elbow pain, hand grip and hard to reduce is poorer, botanical slimming on the backhand appears very difficult when, mainly is for muscle tendon points by inflammation. After the movement in the acute phase pain should be ice, oral, topical anti-inflammatory painkillers. Chronic inflammation can physical therapy and use elbow pads, etc.
Shoulder week hamstring strain
Injury are the main reasons why the move that repeat overload shoulder weeks of tendons, muscle the stimulation and damaged repeatedly, place will inflammation swelling and pain, when the activity intensifies. Shoulder week tendon damage can be divided into acute injuries, chronic strain and torn tendon. botanical slimming Typical symptoms appear after playing shoulder local muscle swelling and pain phenomenon and will raise arm slowly felt pain and even difficulties, such as torn tendon may feel weak. After the injury in the acute phase should be ice, rest and reduce activity. Disease and injury is serious medical treatment must be repeated.
Joint injury
Knee ligament to stabilizing joint is very important. Sprain and movement to cause the collision of a torn ligament, appear joint instability, sore after the activity and other symptoms. Meniscus within two blocks of the knee joint cartilage mat is a human body of the shock. Meniscus tears after injury can appear joint noise, deep when meizitang  botanical slimming pain. Knee ligament, menisci injury in time if not found after, continue to activities and injured easily, cause traumatic sensorial inflammation, particular cartilage wear, lead to early joint degeneration.
Common fractures have two kinds: one kind is no flesh wound, no damage, says closed fracture; another kind is the tip of the flesh and bones through, says open fractures. To open fractures, cannot use hand knead or massage, botanical slimming or easy cause meningitis, application of place for disinfection gauze dress, haemostatic, garnish with flat board fixed, rushed to the hospital for treatment. In the upper limb fractures, can be fixed in body joints, fracture in the lower extremities, leg unbend foot, fixed in the physical to and rushed to the hospital treatment.
Muscle spasms
Muscle cramps are in cold stimulation, spirit strain overworked, body caused by excessive contraction, in some long time of sports or swimming in most common, meizitang botanical slimming warming up not ready to fully when also prone to cramp. Cramp occurs, muscle hard, pain unbearable, often cannot be immediately ease, processing not causing muscle injury.
Muscle damage
Muscle damage caused by external force in addition to direct the muscle damage, mainly is the indirect external force to happen under muscle strain. Muscle strain, wounds pain, swelling, tenderness or spasms, touch stiff. The injured muscle contraction passive or active do spun the action, pain worse.
Abdominal sting
The abdominal pain occurs mainly in the stop motion after period of time, to begin to accept the early stages of the sports training, or occasionally take part in physical exercise. botanical slimming Generally, the abdominal pain because in the sports for insufficient blood flow and formation of oxygen deficiency pain. Immediately after the meal vigorous exercise or intestinal product gas can also cause side abdominal pain.

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