Thursday, May 17, 2012

Meizitang Botanical slimming Apple also contains vitamins

Weight loss cure must be strictly controlled calorie intake, to ensure you have a graceful figure. Botanical slimming, today recommended to you 10 kinds of food scraper, will not you eat any fat oh.
1 onion
Onions are rich in vitamins, to promote digestion and absorption, and fat-free onion, choice of weight loss. Botanical slimming, Onion also contains prostaglandins A, can help reduce cholesterol and sodium excretion, improve edema.
Onion fungus
Material: black fungus, onion, chicken, salt, oil.
Approach: Botanical slimming, black fungus hair with warm water for two hours, wash the roots of impurities, picking into small pieces, squeezed water reserve; large onion cut at random; oil heat, next into the onion, stir the fire with a minute, Stir onions fragrant; down into the black fungus to continue to stir fry made a good one minute; transferred amount of salt, soy sauce and chicken, stir fry a while, pan can be.
2 Corns
Corn contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, selenium and lecithin, vitamin E, etc., Botanical slimming all have lower serum cholesterol, can be contained in the crude fiber laxative, magnesium is able to enhance gastrointestinal motility, promoting excretion.
Vegetables, corn porridge
Ingredients: Stick residue 50 grams, 30 grams of rice, maize flour, 20 grams, 20-30 grams of instant oatmeal, some water, corn, peas, carrots, grain, potatoes, small, broccoli, a little different.
Approach: stick residue washed, soaked the night before to mention the next day what can be used to wash the porridge; take the pot, into the washing clean the rice and soaked one night stick residue, and then inject sufficient amount of water; Botanical slimming to place the pot on the fire the fire boil; boil and pour into cornmeal, cornmeal pot before the water can be transferred into a paste with a spoon, stir edge down side, in order to avoid caking. Then turn a small fire slowly stewed; fast porridge cooked in vegetable preparation time, choose your vegetables cleaned, cut Ding spare; cook rice porridge you can bloom, and then into the small vegetables and oatmeal , can be difficult to put the cooked vegetables, boil for what can be proven to all materials off the fire.
3 Apple
Apples are rich in pectin, a very good lipid-lowering, lowering blood sugar, dietary fiber containing cellulose to meet the needs of the body, play a laxative effect. meizitang Botanical slimming Apple also contains vitamins, to promote digestion and absorption, so you eat leaner. Chicken apple salad
Ingredients: chicken breasts 200g, green apple, 200g, 2 eggs, tomatoes 100g, salt, cooking wine, salad dressing.
Approach: green apple cut fine, soak into the salt water to prevent discoloration. Small tomatoes cut in half. Breast of chicken into the boiling water, salt and a little wine cooked (about 6-7 minutes) picked up, torn filaments. Cooked eggs, peeled. Remove the egg yolks, crushed, and transferred to salad dressings. The chicken, green apples, tomatoes, protein on the plate, salad dressing can be transferred.
4. Chives
Leek calcium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, the leek contains a lot of vitamins and fiber, can promote gastrointestinal motility, treatment of constipation, Botanical slimming get rid of excessive nutrients in the intestinal tract, including the extra fat.
Squid fried leeks
Ingredients: 3 dried squid, leek 1 red pepper, onion, ginger, garlic amount, pepper, anise, and cinnamon, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, and soy sauce taste.
Practice: the dried squid with a food base blisters 12 hours, and then use the water soak 2 hours, remove the alkaline taste; Botanical slimming a good soak after the squid mucus and other dirty stuff on the handle clean; the squid, cut wire, cut leeks segment; pot into the oil, onion burst, ginger, garlic, into the squid, transferred pepper, star anise, cinnamon, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce and stir-fry 9 mature, then add leeks and stir fry for 2 minutes available.
5 mushrooms
Mushrooms contained in the human body is difficult to digest crude fiber, crude fiber and lignin half can of water to keep the intestines and absorb the rest of cholesterol, sugar, Botanical slimming be excreted in the prevention of constipation have a good effect. Study found that mushrooms also lower blood sugar.
Celery fried mushrooms
Ingredients: mushrooms half a catty, catty celery, red pepper one, fresh chestnut, ginger, garlic, salt, chicken amount.
Method: mushroom, water chestnut slices, celery cut into sections, pepper slices; from the pan, sauté ginger and garlic, the mushrooms and stir-fry pot; mushrooms fried soft, it will break other materials fry pot with green; plus chicken, season with salt.

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