Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Meizitang slimming If your cervical very uncomfortable or you under a lot of pressure

Black head not only get spent face blain affects the facial appearance, some blain will also have the tingling, let a person most uncomfortable; At the same time also can map out with black hair and blain different parts of the body health.
Formation of black head, many reasons, oil secretion excess, indigestion, will lead to stress and so on. meizitang slimming, Now let small make up take you see every place that the part of the body with black hair and mapping, find out the reason of blain black head, suit the nursing guarantee effort!
Forehead black head-reflection parts reproductive system
Here is our reproductive system reflex zones, I have seen many people before menstruation in this long blain or comedowns, this is very normal, the best treatment measures is do not provoke it, maybe after menstruation it.
The tip of black head-reflection parts stomach
Though black head of the main causes serious problems is clean, but if you have a friend her skin clean, meizitang slimming but the special nose a circle total have a little black color, that you can probably guess her stomach is bad, is not necessarily what disease, may be just the tip of the stomach weak, because the reflection to the body part is the stomach.
If you tip of blackhead clean out about two after three weeks later started back, and it is only skin problems, is normal, but if clean out again after 3 or 4-day very clear, that you pay attention to keep nourishes the. You see the stomach JiuZaoBi people are not so good, because his stomach injury to drink too much.
With black hair and eyebrows-reflection parts pressure point. Cervical spine
If the special thick eyebrows and acne, you have to consider the recent pressure is a big? Because here the reflection of the organ is cervical section 7-us a very important pressure point. meizitang slimming If your cervical very uncomfortable or you under a lot of pressure, otherwise will be like health report as clear as to "writing", make the place pore is bulky. If development to appear sag when circumstances, that means you of sub-health state of serious, the body strong requirement decompression, relax, trip.
Nose with black hair around-reflection parts mood
This is the other relevant places with mood, careful see, you at the two sides of the pore of the round, it is pure if the oily skin. But if the pores to inclined, it shows that you have emotional pressure. meizitang slimming If your eyebrows and nose together around it be difficult with sb, ask yourself, don't take a vacation? That little annoyances to point line not line? You don't hurt yourself who hurt you?
Chin, people-black head reflection parts the digestive system
Chin, people always have black head, but elsewhere very clean, probably her digestive system is not so good, because his chin and the reflection of the part is among the digestive system. Compared with the external use of beauty products, to help the digestive system of work may be more food, they need.
At the same time the skin daily clean be precise, choose suitable themselves to protect skin to taste, meizitang slimming can let you in the beauty &skin care at the same time, to achieve better effect of beautiful skin, the nose, the more beautiful farewell strawberry moving.
Maintenance to black head points:
Point 1: night when maintenance you must carefully discharge makeup. Because of the discharge makeup oil fat soluble superfine molecules can completely wrapped in leather fat and oil dirties, it will be dissolved, and, to some extent, can purify skin, remove and prevent blackhead. Another use discharge makeup oil massage also can have the effect of removing blackhead.
Point 2: after bathing is clean blackhead good time, while pores including ethanol use acid cleaning products, meizitang slimming it can effectively dissolve black head, then use face brush the auxiliary tool acne slowly brush out.
3: black head go points too frequent, very easy to harm the skin, make pore more bulky. Suggest a month to go once is enough.
4: key points to eradicate black head, want to have patience already aging black head cleared after a few days, the new black head and in formation, this cycle of metabolism needs to work with special attention to daily care will be slowly radical off.
5: key points of the oily skin must develop the habit of fixed chamfer, weekly professional deep care, can help remove skin dirt and fat, reduce the lining of acne and the generation of black.
6: it's because acne points acid constitution caused, in many of the oil to inhibit intake (vitamin B group) at the same time, meizitang slimming change eating habits, and many absorb beans, mushrooms, or dark green vegetables added vitamin B and alkaline food.
Long-term food and drink and rest is dedicated to the chaos, will make your body can't normal destabilization inside body, accumulate a lot of toxins, at this time you body needed the most a row poison the cleaning, otherwise blain of black head acne will arises at the historic moment. meizitang slimming Let oneself tight and release of pressure, let one become more beautiful. Here is focusing on the 5 kinds of detoxification methods, make you light a non-toxic.
A, food detoxification law:
In 5 to 7 days give you body to a general cleaning, self cleaning toxins.
After getting up, drink a cup of warm lemonade
After getting up, don't immediately eating or busy washing your face and brushing your teeth, at this time you need most is added a fresh lemon slice (if not fresh, dry citric piece can also) warm boiled water, it can promote the circulation of the kidney, arouse a day of the beginning of the metabolism. meizitang slimming If you have a daily dose of vitamin or fish oil pill habit, this time also can take, together with the help of the breakfast absorption in the next most nutrition elements, ensure nutrition and the normal operation.
Poisonous latescent food is good
1 the liver is a vital organ of the detoxification, so must slow down the liver of overload movement. The need to control wheat, meat, dairy products, salt and sugar, food additives, preservative, saturated fat, wine and Fried food intake. Live on rice, can purify intestines and stomach and will not increase digestion burden, it contains starch is also clear liver epicuticular panacea.
2 enjoy the fruits and vegetables, high detoxification food products are: yang Tao, citrus, grapes, pineapple, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, paddy field, qin. Don't worry about all the vegetables are a little small suffering, is because they contain purify material.
TIPS: use of food detoxification people in the first two days may feel not so good, meizitang botanical slimming but need not nervous, the human body is at this time into a "rehabilitation crisis", then remove liver is trying to poison, can lead to headaches, fatigue.
Second, sports detoxification law:
For like sports but don't cook or no conditions to the fast of the people, this is the most appropriate method.
1, take a walk at least 30 minutes per day, do some soft soothing sports, such as jogging, taichi.
2, exercise abdominal breathing: lie low down, with the nose, then breathless, air after abdominal cavity, then slowly exhale from his nostrils.
3, sauna to help sweating, 10 to 15 minutes after a blunt LiangShuiZao, stimulates the blood circulation.
4, sports at the same time, must always replenish water, also can drink green tea, but can never drink carbonic acid beverage. The sports drinks on the market, the best in a few days in detoxification don't drink.
Three, hairdressing platoon poison law:
The skin is an important way of toxins from the body, and when the body toxins accumulated when too much, the skin also will first report to the police. Color of skin dark and light, blain, meizitang slimming,dry again fat serious--these are the body signs of poisoning.
The body to do brush massage
Take a bath every day in the towel gourd muscle to skin dry massage glove, and was known as promote the real nostrum toxins from the body. Massage to accelerate blood circulation and the lymph flow, so that the body is easy to flush out the toxic waste. meizitang slimming Usually the circle of massage technique, to exert massage whole body bottom-up strength, pay attention to the direction of one body to massage at the end of the heart direction.
Four, bubble bath detoxification:
Bubble bath is definitely a good way to help skin of discharge poison, can be stored up in subcutaneous tissue acidic waste in the wash out, trapped in the body of the carbon dioxide and bad matter metabolic out, and make skin healthy elastic. Natural bath salt and balmy essence oil is the first choice of detoxification bubble bath, in bath crock to join bath salt and rosemary, tea tree and lemon essential oil, can be a good drainage.
Five, simple detoxification law:
If you the job is busy, work and rest time is not stable, can use simple and easy method relaxed discharge poison.
1, every morning the side with lemon drink a cup of warm water, this action helps water after liver, take away the body in a night of sedimentary toxins.
2, an apple a day, which is the antidote to natural, meizitang slimming it contains the pectin to from dirty air for us in the body of the sucked into metal waste discharge.
3, each week tied 1 to 2 times has the function that discharge poison mask, through the skin sweating process, promote lymph and blood circulation, thus will discharge toxins

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