Thursday, May 17, 2012

The study of meizitang botanical slimming

What is the most beneficial food for women? U.S. experts found that blueberry juice has the highest intensity of antioxidant, which is the best natural anti-aging beverage; walnuts are rich in vitamin E, have the function of beautify the skin and hairs; oats contain a variety of dietary fibers which can reduce cholesterol; dark chocolate can make the skin more moist smooth, ease spots caused by exposure and symptoms of … … following meizitang slimming recommends eight most beneficial women foods to you.

Blueberry juice

If compare the berries to nutritional gem, then the wild blueberry is a crown. It is most natural and powerful food for anti-aging. Studies have shown that blueberries not only can help prevent memory loss, but also can improve motor function and help lower blood pressure. In the way of meizitang slimming, for the beauty of women, to squeeze the blueberry into juice can be a more convenient food, which contains a powerful antioxidant that helps fight wrinkles, is the best choice for beauty.

Why do not choose wild blueberries? Experts say wild blueberry’s antioxidant strength is the highest, contain Anthocyanins, and also can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, improve circulation and improve skin smoothness, improve joint flexibility. And the average one cup of blueberry juice contains only 80 calories; women are free to eat, without scruple of getting fat.

Recommendation: You can try half a cup of berry juice per day. The best choice is to choose the frozen one in the supermarket.


It is well known, oats are rich in dietary fiber can lower cholesterol, and oats can give a feeling of fullness to help women control weight very well, so that women can have more moderate diets. What type of oatmeal is more suitable? Experts of meizitang slimming say that if you have time, then the cooked oats grain will be healthier and more nutrition than instant oatmeal.

Recommendation: You can add oats (and other coarse grains) to your daily diet. American Heart Association recommends daily should be added 25-30 grams of dietary fiber, while oats just to achieve this requirement.


This kind of vegetable seems not so good, but in fact you can almost hardly estimate the health function of it. According to the study of meizitang botanical slimming, cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli can help prevent breast cancer, estrogen surge, and significant function for anti-cancer. And it’s rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, can enhance immune function and promote liver detoxification, and enhance people’s physical fitness, increase resistance to disease, improve the body’s immune function. Also, each plate of it the heat is no higher than 30 calories, and it can help women who want to lose weight, get enough fiber, foliate (folic acid),calcium, iron, potassium, etc.

Recommendation: a week may be appropriate to eat two or more of the broccoli.


Salmon was listed as one must eat healthy foods for female, mainly because it also is rich in unsaturated fatty acids which can effectively enhance the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, reduce blood fat and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular disease. Contained Ω-3 fatty acids is the essential substance to brain, retina and nervous system and it also can enhance brain function, prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and prevention of adjuvant therapy, stroke, vision loss, and so on. Among it contains DHA, commonly known as DHA, is a very important human polyunsaturated fatty acids on infant mental and visual development of fetal vital. Therefore, especially suit for pregnant women eating.

Recommendation of meizitang slimming: one week, it is best to have two meals to eat fish.


Walnuts contain more protein and human necessaries nutrition; they are the essential substance for metabolism for brain. Unsaturated fatty acids can nourish brain cells, enhancing brain function; walnuts also can prevent atherosclerosis, lower cholesterol. For women, walnuts contain a large number of vitamin E, regular consumption of can beautify skin and black hair. it can make the skin soft and smooth, flexible. When you feel tired, meizitang slimming recommends you chew some walnuts, which will have a effect of relief fatigue and pressure.

Recommendation: a day to eat 12 walnuts around.


We like it has a rich creamy, a little feeling of sour, quite comfortable and delicious. Yogurt is rich in calcium, good for our bones, a cup of milk can meet the demand for women, a quarter of requirement for the daily calcium, and fat-free yogurt contains more than double the normal protein than the normal ones. Yogurt for women, can promote the secretion of gastric juice, increased appetite, enhance the effectiveness of digestion, relieve gastrointestinal problems, prevent constipation, and help women control weight.

Recommendation of meizitang slimming: it is best to take in three kinds of dairy products, and yogurt is a good choice.

Olive oil

Olive oil is also good for the human brain. Columbia University studies have shown that consumption of olive oil not only can prevents Alzheimer’s disease, but also can help mild fuzzy thinking. But it is not for all. The results show that in 2008, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids can inhibit tumor cell growth, reduced tumor incidence. Pure olive oil can effectively help women combat breast cancer.

Recommendation of meizitang slimming: two tablespoons of olive oil a day can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can help women to moisturize the skin. German researchers have let 24 women every day to keep drinking half a cup of cocoa powder falconoid concentration. Three months later, these women’s skin becomes more smooth and moist; in sun spots and dander exposure caused the symptoms have also been effectively improved. Experts believe falconoid are due to ultraviolet light is absorbed by the skin to help protect and increase blood circulation, thereby improving the appearance. Many women also said that dark chocolate can bring other things such as: bring a happy feeling, a taste of enjoyment.

Recommendation of meizitang slimming: Choose a quarter of an ounce per day, but the best choice is the content of cocoa shall more than 70 %.

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