Thursday, May 17, 2012

Special attention to the weight of food

Therefore, from the point of meizitang botanical slimming soft gel, as little as possible in order to lose weight or not coated with jam. Similarly, dipped in cheese, butter is not allowed
Bread eating to lose weight 3: Note stuffed bread
Many times you do not find that the mouth is the mouth to eat bread stuffed inside what is not detrimental to weight loss, now have to beware of those stuffed bread. Under normal circumstances of meizitang slimming, bread stuffed with fillings because of their calories and fat are high, such as a bagel calories with an equal weight of the heat contained in the ribs is the same.
Therefore, we advise you want to lose weight or eat stuffed bread is wonderful. If you want to eat stuffed, then prepare some lettuce, tomato, cucumber and other clamped to eat, so how much to eat to lose weight will not hinder.
Lose weight eating bread 4: the selection of bread contains dietary fiber
Most bread contains yeast which can easily lead to hyperacidity, stomach, especially bad for those people to lose weight, meizitang botanical slimming considers it should be special attention to the weight of food, and should not eat. Recommend selection of foods rich in fiber bread to eat, such as the above mentioned bread whole wheat bread and cereals, which contain fiber-rich food for the body to inhibit the absorption of sugar and fat, which is especially important for people to lose weight is concerned, prevent obesity produced.
Lose weight eating bread 5: thick vegetable soup with bread
Eat dry bread, might cook a bowl of thick vegetable soup for own right. To use a variety of thick soup of vegetables made of low-calorie, fiber-rich foods which have a good feeling of fullness, but meizitang slimming think it also inhibit the body for fat absorption.
Recommended before eating bread and drinking a bowl of thick soup, which can indirectly reduce the intake of bread, but also while eating bread, while drinking thick soup, not only help control appetite, but also added a lot of vitamins and other nutrients.

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