Monday, May 21, 2012

Meizitang botanical slimming, as a well-received weight loss product

According to statistics, the obesity rate of school student in China is 5%-7% and in Beijing the rate even reaches up to 15%-17%. With the popularity of childhood obesity, losing weight becomes a common issue in the school. As for this, meizitang botanical slimming considered weight loss project for obese teenagers as a top priority.

Obesity will do both short-term and long-term harm to the obese children mentally. Compared with the normal teenagers, obese children tend to be corpulent and clumsy. A little exercise will exhaust them and they will gasp and sweat easily. Whey they sit still, it is more likely for them to feel sleepy. Obese teenagers are not agile in the outdoor exercises. As a result, they are often laughed at and repelled by other students. In order to protect their fragile self-respect, they will refuse to take part in any kind of activity. In addition, when they go out for shopping, they will feel embarrassed if there are no suitable clothes for them. If things go on like this, they will become diffident, evasive, and dependent psychologically and have behavior barriers to some extent. Furthermore, most of the obese teenagers dislike exercises and they lack the energy to do physical labor, so they have a weak immunity system and then they will be liable to some respiratory diseases and other kinds of infectious diseases. According to meizitang botanical slimming, the teenagers who are extremely obese will have a problem with the growth of thorax and diaphragm because of the over thick subcutaneous fat. In this case, this will have poor lung ventilation and even there will be heart failure symptoms. According to clinical researches, due to the serious fat accumulation partially, they will have abnormal genitals. Moreover, the big paunch will set obstacles on their sex life after marriage.

Some psychologists consider that the symptoms of obesity begin at an early age. The parents are too fat or thin, so they can help to give their children more foods. Thin parents want their children become stronger and some of fat parents just never think their obese children as overweight. Sometimes when teenagers lose some weight when they fall in ill, the parents always encourage their children to eat much, for they think fatness is a symbol of health.

In their early age, the prize for good behaviors or punishment for bad ones their parents give them are mostly provision or deprivation of delicious foods, which set a stereotype in the children’s mind: if they want to be praised or avoid punishment, they should eat more. As a result, in those families, the children always have a big appetite and always eat fast. Too much intake of starchy desserts will lead to excessive heat intake into the body. When the heat was transformed into stored fat, it will cause obesity eventually.

The behavior psychologists find that those who always eat up their foods are more likely to be fat. No matter how much their bodies need, they always eat all the foods put in front of them. For example, if you give a fat man a take of foods, which is more than he wants, he will also eat up and if they are given less, they will not ask for more after they have finished. Usually people have normal weight will leave some in the plate when they feel hungry or ask for more when they are not full. An interesting research has found that common people will tell whether they are full from the feeling of the stomach and control the time for meal and the amount they eat, while fat people always decide the time and amount based on outward factors. According to meizitang botanical slimming, there is also an obvious difference between the fat ones and the slim ones’ responses to delicious or distasteful foods. In an experiment, both tasty and distasteful drinks are given to the fat and slim people. The result shows the fit one will drink 1.5 times more when they dink the delicious one while the fat people will drink 5 times more when they drink the delicious ones. When the obese teenagers fell tired, lonely, idle, anxious or tedious, they will indulge in eating, which differs differently from those teenagers who have normal weight. 50% of the obese teenagers will glutton periodically. They have desire for foods and they can not control themselves. They only feel guilty after they have eaten much. This will be more severe when they come across unhappy things. Some of them, especially some female, have habits to eat much at night. At the same time, they will suffer from insomnia, dry mouth, and sense of hunger as well as depression.

Obesity is a serious problem we should never neglect. Meizitang botanical slimming, as a well-received weight loss product, is suitable for those who have obesity problem since an early age. Losing weight will be extra difficult for those obese people. Taking these pills will help a lot to make weight loss less difficult.

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