Monday, May 21, 2012

Diet with enough nutrition in it along with meizitang botanical slimming soft gels

With the appearance of all kinds of methods to lose weight, eating raw foods seems to have become a fashion. It is said raw foods have more nutrients and will also help lose weight for they are absolutely natural. People eat raw eggs and believe it is more nutritious. But in fact, this is not healthy to eat raw eggs. When our ancestors did not have fire, they eat raw foods and people now are getting crazy about returning back to nature. There are raw fish and beef on the table and we consider it a healthy life style. Here meizitang gel reminds you of 10 kinds of foods that can not be eaten raw, or it will cause discomforts or ailments.

The first is day lily. There is colchicin in fresh day lily and when the colchicin taken into our body, 3-20 mg will poison a person to death. Next raw chufa can not be eaten either. The fasciolopsis on raw chufa will be taken into body and will be attached to intestine walls, which will lead to intestinal ulcer, diarrhea and face edema. Third, sugar is not suggested to be eaten raw either, for it will make it easy for you to get mite diseases because there are lots of mites in sugar. Mite is a small insect with hair on its body and you can not see it by eyes. Mites can reproduce very fast in sugar and if mites are eaten into intestines and stomach, it will cause stomachache, diarrhea and ulcer. If they are taken into lung, they will cause hemoptysis and asthma. When they get into urinary tract, they will cause inflammation. Therefore, meizitang soft gel suggests that raw sugar should be avoided and before eating, you had better process it by heat.

Forth, raw honey should also be avoided. During the production of honey, some poisonous pollen is often collected. When this honey is eaten by human, people will get poisoned. Besides during the harvest, transportation and preservation of the honey, it is easy to be polluted by bacteria. As a result, we also suggest raw honey be avoided. Fifth, fresh raw agarics can not be directly eaten. There are some kinds of photo sensitizers in it and after eating raw agarics, it will lead to solar dermatitis. Some severe patients will suffer from skin itch, edema and pain. Sixth, raw soybean milk can not be eaten. Soybean milk is very delicious and has a high nutritional value. Uncooked or not boiled soybean milk will lead to intoxication. There are some harmful ingredients in raw soybean milk, like antitrypsin, phenols and saponin. Antitrypsin can affect the digestion of protein in our body. Phenols will make the milk taste bitter and raw. Saponin will stimulate digestive tract, produce toxins and destroy red blood cells, causing nausea, sickness and diarrhea. Seventh, raw river fish can not be eaten. Liver fluke will live in fishes and if we eat those fishes carrying with liver fluke, the liver fluke will grow insider our body, which will bring about cholangitis or even cirrhosis. In addition, raw crabs and lobsters can not be eaten. The bacteria and lung flukes in those foods will damage the liver and cause inflammation and hyperemia. Ninth is the raw egg, which was considered to be nutritious. The antibiotic protein in eggs will combine with the biotin, which will prevent the digestion of biotin. Besides, there are salmonella in raw eggs and it will result to sickness and diarrhea. The last are the beans, including lentil, kidney bean, string beans and so on. There is toxalbumin called lectin in beans, which is common to be found in grown beans. If they are cooked for 10 minutes by intense fire, this lectin can be eliminated. So no matter what dish you make with beans, meizitang botanical slimming soft gel suggests that you should make sure you have cooked for more than 10 minutes.

For those girls who favor raw foods in order to lose weight, those special kinds of foods should be avoided. If they do want to lose weight fast, we suggest a balanced diet with enough nutrition in it along with meizitang botanical slimming soft gels. Many people have succeeded in losing weight by this method and they do not even need to exercise but can lose much weight. Therefore, it is a perfect choice for you.

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