Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Can help lose much weight without dieting

People say some sleepy persons always feel sleepy in spring, tired in autumn and reluctant to wake up in winter. In summer the temperature is high in the night so we always have a bad sleep. While in autumn, the weather is cool and uncomfortable but why will we feel tired? In hot summer, much sweating will unbalance the metabolism of water and salt in our body and the function of stomach and intestines will be weak and there will be more burdens to the cardiovascular system. At this time, the body is at a stage of excessive consumption. When autumn comes, the weather will become cool and pleasant, the sweating will reduce. At this time, the body is in a recovery stage and the metabolism of water and salt will regain its balance and the burdens will be released. Besides the digestive system goes back to work and we will feel extremely exhausted, which is often called “autumn tiredness”. Here meizitang will introduce some reasons that will cause autumn tiredness and try to find ways to solve this problem. We hope that we can enjoy a energetic summer.

The first reason is eating too little food and always going on diet. Less eating especially no breakfast will make people more likely to get tired. Those students and office workers always miss breakfast due to the lack of time. Some even form a habit of not having breakfast. According to nutrition scientific researches, breakfast is the most important meal in one day. Breakfast is the switch to the normal function of brain. After a night’s sleep, the hormone secretion will be at a very low level and the stored glucose will be used up within the 8 hours after the meal but the cells in brain can only get energy from glucose. Breakfast is like a timely rain and will increase the hormone secretion in a short time in order to provide enough energy to brain cells. If you eat no breakfast, the spirit will be low and so will be the work efficiency. If the condition is worse, this will lead to tiredness, dizziness, sickness and even faintness. When you get emotional because of the hunger, you can not focus on your work or study. So those people who want to lose weight by diets should also have breakfast. We suggest take one meizitang gel half hour before the breakfast, which can help lose much weight without dieting.

The second reason is the contrary, which is too much eating. After eating, in order to complete the digestion, more blood will be provided. In this way, much blood will flow to digestive tract and the blood supply for other tissues and brain will reduce. Especially the brain for it can not store energy, the metabolism will be prevented by lack of oxygen, which will directly affect the function of brain and make us feel tired. The latest statistics show long period of much eating will aggravate brain arterial sclerosis and lead to senile dementia. So meizitang suggests we should not eat too much and 70% full is enough and healthy.

Third is too much oil intake. Accidental intake of excessive fat will do no harm to the body but if the hyperlipidemia patients intake much fat, this will make the blood fat level higher. The high content of fat in vessels will lead to the slowing down of the blood flow and the oxygen supply function will also decrease and then the heart will have to increase the contraction force. Then people will get tired easily and fierce movements will add the burden of heart and increase your feeling of tiredness. After eating much oil, we suggest drink some tea, which can get rid of the grease. And if you do not want to gain weight after eating much oil, you can take a meizitang gel before the meal and then you can keep fit and even lose weight.

Excessive eating of seafood will also bring about tiredness. There is a substance called sodium glutamate, which is also the main ingredient of gourmet powder. During the process of its digestion, a new substance will be produced, which will cause over excitation of the central nervous system. And according to meizitang, if there is much new substance provided, this will suppress the nerve system and make you dizzy and sleepy.

The next is too much intake of tryptophan foods. Tryptophan is the necessary amino acid in the body and it can stimulate the secretion of serotonin in the brain nerve cells. Serotonin has an effect in suppressing the activity of thinking of the brain. Therefore too much eating will make people feel tired and sleepy. There is rich tryptophan in millet, milk, mushrooms, black sesames and soy beans etc. We suggest a healthy amount of those foods because meizitang found that proper amount of those foods is very beneficial to the health of the body.

The last but not least reason is much drinking of acidic beverage after exercises. After exercises, there will appear much lactic acid in the body and those acidic beverages will make the lactic acid accumulate. As a result, the sense of tiredness will increase. Meizitang  botanical slimming suggests much intake of vegetables and fruits after exercises. The autumn tiredness is related to the slight acid body fluid. Much alkaline will neutralize the acid substance and help eliminate tiredness. Foods like tomato, egg plant, potato, grape and peaches contain much vitamin and will help to relieve the tired feeling of the body.

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