Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Meizitang Botanical slimming gel suggests some exercises in order to build up the lung

Yesterday we have talked about detoxification of the spleen and liver, today meizitang gel will continue to introduce the detoxification of other body organs, like heart, lung and kidney. If there are toxins in heart, it is more likely for you to have ulcer on the tongue. Traditional Chinese medicine considers tongue as the most closely related organ with the heart. If there is ulcer on the tongue, there might be internal heat or toxins in heart. Another symptom is the acne problem on the forehead. The heart takes charge of the forehead and when there is internal heat in heart, there will appear many types of acne on the forehead. The heart works ceaselessly, so if the toxins accumulate in heart, the sleep quality will be bad. There will be insomnia and palpitation problems probably. If there is blood stasis in heart, you will feel choking sensation in chest and pain if it is worse. Then how to expel the toxins from the body? According to botanical slimming soft gel, the best choice is lotus seed. The taste of lotus seed is bitter and can get rid of the internal heat. Though it is cold in nature, it will do harm to the Yang of the body, so it is considered to be the best choice to expel the toxins in heart. Lotus seed tea with bamboo or raw licorice will strengthen the effects of lotus seed and have a better result. Besides, pressing the point in the center of your palm between the forth and fifth metacarpal bones will help with the detoxification in the heart. Mung bean can promote urine and eliminate the toxins. It is better to dink soup for mung bean cake will reduce the effect. The best time for caring the heart is from 11:00 am to 13:00 pm and during this period, nuts, soybean, black sesame, date and lotus seed will be great to protect the heart.

If there are toxins in lung, the skin will appear dark like rust. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks the lung is in charge of the skin and the functions of lung will decide whether the skin is white and glowing. When there are toxins accumulated in the lung, the skin will have no gloss. Lung and the bowels belong to the same system. If there are toxins in the lung, the movements in the bowel will be not smooth and constipation problem will appear. Carrot is a detoxification product for lung for carrot can help bowels to discharge the accumulated wastes. Lily also helps for it has good nourishing affect but pay attention that lily can not be cooked too long or the nutrition will reduce. For massage, you can press between the first and second metacarpal bones on the back of the hand. Sweat will also bring away the toxins and make our lung clean. You can take a hot bath with ginger or peppermint oil, which will help to eliminate the toxins. A deep breath will get rid of the waste gas inside our body. The best time for lung is 7 am to 9 am. meizitang Botanical slimming gel suggests some exercises in order to build up the lung.

If there are toxins in kidney, the menstrual period will be shorter and the menstrual quantity will b less and the color will be darker. What’s worse, there will be edema. Kidney is in charge of the liquid flow and the menstrual period will show the function of kidneys. There will be acnes in the lower jaw. You will feel tired. The energy for maintaining the function of kidney will be less and then it is more likely to feel tired and sleepy. The best food for kidney is white gourd, which can promote the discharge of urine in order to get rid of the toxins. Plain taste white gourd is better. Chinese yam is also very good choice. It can nurse many internal organs but mainly the kidney. Wire drawing yam is both delicious and healthy. In order to improve the function of kidney, Yongquan point, which is under feet in the front 1/3 of the feet, can be slightly pressed for 5 minutes. The best time for elimination of toxins in the kidney will be from 5 am to 7 am. After a night, the toxins will accumulate in kidney so it is better to drink one cup of plain water to wash the kidney and help discharge the wastes in the kidney.

Here are our suggestions about how to expel the toxins in those human organs. Nowadays detoxification becomes quite important for everyday we take in many toxins through food and environments. Therefore we sincerely hope everyone could get a healthy body with the help of those detoxification methods suggested by meizitang soft gel.

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