Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fruta planta pills coaches to extract the nine weight loss trick

Have you lose weight during the bulimia! ! ! Health and weight loss do not rebound, you can also Healthy diet, you can not rebound, not a diet, do not eat the things they do not like, without any side effects.
    1 is a good breakfast, must nutrition, eggs, milk is a good breakfast, do not eat fried convenience foods eat is very important, do not eat breakfast or breakfast calories is not enough in the morning, noon, eat a lot as it is easy fat ,     2 noon, 7-8 pm full, then the good stuff must not be greedy, otherwise no effect。 Ephedrine in effective acai berry diet mainly comes from a kind of plant named ephedra. Dinner to eat less, this step is very important, only to reinforce the key to weight loss results, and eating it is best not later than six o'clock meal go for a walk for half an hour, the best lies persist. 
   No special diet, adhere to the above three, and soon you will find that you lost, but lean more healthy. 9 weight loss trick addictive life American fitness experts and Fruta planta pills coaches to extract the nine weight loss trick, find it easier to let your fitness, fitness addiction every day to help you! 1, learn to reward themselves : Adhere to fitness, and went to ... Wrong: and fitness The study found that, compared to never reward yourself often reward their own fitness to achieve the American College of Sports Medicine sports standard "likely to be 1-2 times higher. Ephedrine, also found in effective acai berry diet, is also a kind of common medicine for treating flu. This weekend, I violence, today's relatively late so 2:30 before eating lunch, and then and then and then I could not help but eat package small walnut. ! ! ! ! ! I do not sense to calculate its heat, I am super guilt ... how could I! ! ! I would like to emetic method eat walnut spit it out to. But without success, now feel violence is poor, do not know how to do?  
The experienced personal trainer in our study, one woman decided to, as long as she was able to adhere to the fitness of at least one year, she went to Ireland Hiking and eventually she went to became. There is a fitness adhere to the gym two months to buy himself a new pair of shoes, six months later to buy a new jersey. Incentives can be very simple, such as done 100 sit-ups and then to see "six". Personal trainer, said that any important things in life and fitness combine ". 2, the target must be high, but not impossibly high and : As a kind of effective acai berry diet, ephedrine is often prescribed together with coffee.The ephedrine in effective acai berry diet can either be natural or synthesized.  Lead to the first two months to eat too much too much, then at least long 10J meat. I almost scared by their own round-faced so I decided to lose weight.   The approach I use is eat supper France. My breakfast is almost the deployment of a cup of honey, apple cider vinegar water + cereal + low fat milk + banana one, then I generally eat lunch 12:30 lunch do not eat rice and a small vegetable: sometimes eggplant have when cabbage + a meat dish: a small beef or two with sausage, then almost 3:00 when the afternoon, eat two oranges, my day's food intake, and rest when I'm hungry to drink tea. Usually do not love sports. Indeed have effect .  Ephedrine, also found in effective Fruta planta, has been used for curing asthma for many years.  

Effective acai berry diet which can bring up metabolic rate may contain ephedrine

Rich in soluble fiber foods include strawberries, apples, pears, oatmeal and beans. 2, juicy food - moisture-rich fruits and vegetables can easily make you eat, you can try watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, grapefruit, and cantaloupe. 3, the thin filament protein - protein helps to speed up metabolism.
Ensure that the intake of each meal should be thin filament protein, optional foods include: chicken breast, canned tuna, shrimp, low-fat milk, tofu, lean meat, etc..  Four, eat some food - eat the same food also had to do some work requires you to work, people tend to not eat too much. What are the pharmacological principles and functions of effective acai berry diet?   For example, has good peel peanuts and shelled peanuts, you would choose which one? , Sugar-free chewing gum - different people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, chewing sugarless gum can effectively prevent you from high-calorie food into the mouth.
Therefore, weight loss, people should remember to put a pack of sugarless gum on hand. 6, hot drinks - when you want to eat, sip a sip of scalding hot low-calorie drinks, you can effectively prevent excess calorie intake, because drinking the cup of scalding hot beverage you had better spend a lot of time. Calories less than 100 green tea, sugar-free hot cocoa, skim latte or cappuccino.  7, spicy food - private client experience and found the food hot and spicy, you will eat less. Moreover, you will automatically eat slower and drink plenty of water. Some effective acai berry diet is made of medicine which is able to bring up the metabolic rate.
Lose weight may wish to try to add some red pepper and hot seasoning in food. 8, the food into smaller portions - if you only a small portion of food before, you never have the opportunity to eat. I was overeating, how to do  Well, I hate the winter, winter, it becomes very favorite, and then eat a lot of not movement, the whole people round and round, A while back, just arrived in a foreign country in a bad mood is followed, the main France things are in is too delicate to do look good, and taste so delicious and not expensive.  effective acai berry diet which can bring up metabolic rate may contain ephedrine.Medical specialists introduce that the pharmacological principles and functions of most effective Fruta planta are basically similar. If you think greater than bitter sweet, then you're probably a bitter faction "If, by contrast, that is sweet to send. If the feeling is not clear, then you are a "normal school" in the range between the two 1/4. The dietitians 8 gold medal in weight-loss strategy The famous American nutritionist Joy Bauer, specifically wrote in a blog, 8 weight loss strategy. If you are or plan to lose weight, try the:  A fiber - both soluble fiber or insoluble fiber helps to lose weight. The calories contained in the non-soluble fiber is relatively low.
The effects of most effective acai berry diet are as follows. Rich in soluble fiber foods include high fiber cereal, whole wheat bread, wheat bran, and fruits and vegetables; soluble fiber helps make the body more time to maintain the state of fullness.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Here meizitang will introduce some of traditional Chinese medicine theories for losing weight

This may make you feel strange, but too much salt is how to make you fat, this is a case of you unknowingly took place in the process. The body will change too much salt and fat metabolism making the body a “habit.” Studies have shown that high-salt diet can promote insulin secretion, and excess insulin makes your body believe that the current shortage of sugar reserves, the result is that the body continues to reserves in accordance with the instructions of insulin sugar, and these excess sugars is will be converted into body fat, away. meizitang simply, the higher your body’s insulin, the more fat will be stored in the body, then imagine the weight will follow up.

And even worse, the salt will stimulate the secretion of dopamine in the brain, thereby affecting our brain “pleasure center” of the nerve transmission, you will feel very pleasant. You may also have this experience, salty foods will make people want to always eat a little, a little more. To some extent the effect is just like salty food the nicotine in cigarettes and alcohol in the alcohol, always make you feel unable to stop. Thus, the high-salt foods will make you eat more salt and more salt, it means that with the accumulation of more fat will be down.

These high-salt foods to Shensi

I am the door daily intake of sodium, 80% come from food or semi-finished products have been processed. Following these foods contain a lot of sodium, but was often overlooked. Do not want to get fat, then it would quickly look meizitang botanical slimming now!

1 chips. Packing a bag of potato chips contains 110 normal mg to about 340 milligrams of sodium.
2 luncheon meat. About 100 grams (half a can) on sodium luncheon meat staggering 2230 mg!
3 instant noodles. 1 bowl of instant noodles, the sodium content is –2,780 mg.
4 tomato pasta sauce. Only 50 grams of tomato pasta sauce is about 525 milligrams of sodium.

With the development of people’s living standard, the number of obese people becomes larger. It is very common to see high blood pressure, high blood fat, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases and the rate of those diseases tends to increase. There are many ways of losing weight right now. Traditional Chinese medicine theory is dialectic and will help lose weight effectively and healthily. Here meizitang will introduce some of traditional Chinese medicine theories for losing weight.

Sugar snap peas are also a kind of delicious and low-in fat meizitang nack

Core Tip: with the coming of fall and the diet also need a bit of change, so as to ensure effective and healthy weight loss, so meizitang slimming recommends the following kinds of healthy foods which are most suitable for losing weight quickly, while also can complement nutrients to body.

1 carrot

In spring, carrot is so sweet and also abundant in water. It is very popular for weight loss. In addition, carrots contains low heat, it can restrain your desire for sugar. Cook soup with it or eat in raw are both health and delicious. So for girls who want to lose weight, meizitang slimming thinks it is good choice.

2, spinach

In spring spinach has strong flavor. Per cup of spinach only contains 10 calories. It can not only meet the cellulose supplement, it is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals. Spinach can increase the sense of full and so reduce appetite, so meizitang slimming thinks it is a choice for people who want to lose weight and can not bear the suffer of hungry. .

3, sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas are low in calories and high in fiber, which can do well for heart and lose weight. It also grows in spring. Sugar snap peas are also a kind of delicious and low-in fat meizitang nack. Sugar snap peas can give you a variety of nutrients which the body needs. From the point of meizitang slimming, fried with olive oil or do vegetable salads both are very tasteful weight-loss food.

4, okra

Okra, also known as okra, coffee, Huang Kui, hair eggplant, okra has now become so popular after viewed as high nutritional vegetables. The study found that okra contains cellulose which can help speed up fat burning and promote the excretion of metabolites. In addition, it also helps to maintain a stable blood sugar levels, these are the key to weight loss. However, meizitang slimming reminds you be sure to roast it when eat which has better function for losing weight.

5, rabbit

Rabbit meat contains more protein than other meats, and its low-calorie is a good healthy choice for weight loss. Rabbit meat is a high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat, texture delicate, delicious, nutrient-rich, compared with other meats, has a high digestibility (85%), food can easily be digested after absorption, which is not found in other meats. Therefore, the rabbit meat is a very popular weight-loss food.

6, wild leeks

Wild leek generally appears only a few weeks in the spring, per 100 grams contains only 35 calories, the taste is very good which is a very good food for losing weight. If you like them, it is best to buy locally, and then put into the refrigerator, meizitang botanical slimming put it in cold condition can keep it fresh for long time.

7, Morel

Morel is a very nutritious wild mushrooms. Morel inhibit tumor-containing polysaccharides, antibacterial, antiviral active ingredient, with enhanced immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-virus, inhibit tumor, and many other role; Japanese scientists found morel extract containing tyrosinase inhibition agent can effectively suppress the formation of lipofuscin, it is ideal food for fat people

8, bean sprouts

Both bean sprouts and mung bean sprouts have high medicinal value. Especially the green beans after germination, the vitamin C content of up to seven times of the original bean. Bean sprouts with a low calorie and high content of fiber and water, so eat bean sprouts can achieve the goal of weight loss. Meizitang slimming knows that bean sprouts have the same function of chives, which can also prevention constipation.

9, beet

Sugar beet is one of the super foods to lose weight in the Mediterranean diet. 1 cup sugar beet can provide you with 30% of the human body needs folic acid and vitamin B. Beet contains rich in cellulose and pectin which can help clean up the stomach, relieve constipation. In addition, from the point of meizitang slimming, it has obvious function of losing weight.

10, broad beans

Beans contain a large number of proteins and large amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and so on. According to nutrition experts, broad bean has a role of benefiting spleen and it can also take effect on obesity, especially for water-based obesity, so it has some effect on weight loss, can replace the fine rice noodles as staple food.

Shopping according to the list which is made for losing weight

If you eat nothing but only bananas with honey, then the heat of it is far less than staple food, naturally your weight will fall down, However, to lose weight so rapidly , your body will does some adverse reactions because of the failing of adjusting. If eating only for bananas for long-term then your body will lack of protein, minerals, and others all kinds of nutrients. Gradually, meizitang slimming sure your body will react with some dangerous warnings.  instead of one meal of a day with grapefruit can help lose weight? Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, sugar is also not high, if eating a grapefruit instead of a meal, then surely the calories are low, so if you can control the calories of other meals then sure you will become slim but meizitang botanical slimming reminds you , if your body character is not so good, then you had better eat pieces of soda biscuits to prevent acid causing the pain of your stomach.

Continue to eat “meals apples” can help to lose weight? Apple is a kind of low-calorie high-nutrition fruits, because of this; many people tend to use it as a weight loss meal. You know, compared with normal meal, apple has lower calories so surely you will become slim but if thing goes for long term, meizitang botanical slimming sure ,the nutrients will be imbalance , in addition, as long as you stop eating apple meal then your weight will rebound gradually.

Don’t eat anything if don’t hungry There’re many reasons for you to eat, such as boring, tired, frustrated and hobbies and so on. Usually hunger doesn’t play an important role in it. However slim women are different, they don’t be stimulated by the outside things, and they don’t obey the time of meals or the traditional habits. They only follow the hunger signal sent by body. Only if feel hunger, they will eat. However, don’t ignore the real hunger, because you will eat more when you are so hungry that the stomach is going to gurgle.

Meizitang gel can help to control your appetite. Chewing for breast Exercise is too tired, operation is dangerous. Nowadays, a Japan company provides a easier and convenient way for women—chewing for breast. This kind of chewing’s function is beyond of breast, if chew three to fourth times everyday, it can help to delay growing old, improve circulating and relieve the pressure. Of course, rose chewing has the function as the normal chewing, fresh mouth and protect teeth. Don’t go on a diet if you eat meizitang gel The food between fat and slim person are largely identical but with minor differences, but fat person always eat too much. Slim person eat each delicious food, but eat less.

A research institute in America shows that fat people always calculate the heat as the half quantity. Purchase food on purpose You should have the consciousness of “slimming” when you are purchasing food, don’t be attracted by the food displayed, but you should shopping according to the list which is made for losing weight. Slim women will buy some sweetmeats for people who like eat in the family. Although buy, just buy small package, but don’t buy the biggest package for whole family.

Meizitang suggests that we should also use some other ways to lose weight

Traditional Chinese medicine theory is dialectic and will help lose weight effectively and healthily. Here meizitang will introduce some of traditional Chinese medicine theories for losing weight. Some people become obese because of too much intake of fat. And the fat always sticks to the walls of stomach, which will cause abdominal distention and more acid in body and greasy tongue coating.

It is advisable for us to eat hawthorn, barley malt and other kinds of herbal plants in order to promote digestion and clear the stomach. There are some traditional medicine recipes for children to solve digestion problems. On the market there are many kinds of hawthorn products, which are delicious and convenient to eat. Fresh carrots will help clear fat in the body and is praised as the most convenient and effective way to clear fat and lose weight.

Those who have gall diseases should take some traditional Chinese medicine to treat it and there are various herbal plants that can help. Meizitang suggests that we should also use some other ways to lose weight. For example, we can eat wintermelon porridge, which is diuretic. And this will also help reduce the blood pressure. The peels and seed can also be used and also have good effects. For those who have constipation problems, we should use some medicine that will help promote bowel movements. Rheum is the most common medicine to treat this and will help lose weight. Polygonum multiflorum will help cure deficiency of blood and can reduce blood fat and delay aging. Some slimming pills are made of those plants that will help defecate.

Recipe one: pineapple enzyme can beautify the skin, but also to help digestion? Pineapple is rich in vitamins B1 which can promote the metabolism, elimination of fatigue and rich in dietary fiber so can make digestion more smoothly. If you love it then meizitang slimming recommends you have it after meal, do remember do not eat it with empty stomach or the component of enzyme can easily hurt you.

Recipe two: The market there is a kind of lemon vinegar, which can really benefit for skin? Lemon is rich in vitamins which can reduce freckles, the happen of dark spots and the effect of whitening. Lemon is the same as vinegar; it also has the effect of break down fat so it really can make you slimmer if you drink a cup of lemon tea after meal. However, meizitang botanical slimming reminds you the acidity of lemon and vinegar are very high so if you drink it too much or with empty stomach, then it will do harm to your stomach.

Some meizitang botanical slimming soft gel will give you a hand dealing with the weight problem

First, this is a season when constipation often happens. More foods that contain rich fiber will help flatten the belly. Less exercise and less drinking of water will increase the chances for constipation. Apart from regular exercises and more water, less desserts and greasy foods should be taken in. Fibrous foods, like vegetables and mushrooms will stimulate the bowels of stomach and intestines, which will naturally help to solve the constipation problem and when this problem is solved, it is easier for you to lose weight. The constipation problem will make you gain much fat in a long time, so if you have weight problem, you can take one meizitang soft gel before breakfast, which is very helpful to lose weight.

Second, autumn is also a season to start eating hot pots. A plate of sesame oil and jam with mutton and beef will be delicious, which make it difficult for you to resist the temptation. When you go to eat hot pots, you need first get to know the reasons for your fatness. Although the hot pots are all boiled but do not forget the soup. There is much oil and many high-calorie spices added in the soup. In addition, meat is common when you eat hot pots and the delicious meat will make you fat before you realize. To eat ice creams in cold weather is as fashionable as to wear short skirts in winter. It is hard to resist the tasty ice creams. There is no ground for blame if you like ice creams but in order to lose weight those high-calorie ice creams should be get rid of. And if you could not resist, control yourself and just eat half cup of the ice cream.

Then snacks at night will make you gain much weight. With the decrease of temperature, the desire for snacks is stronger especially on an idle night and you will lose the resistance for snacks. If you have to eat something, or you will not fall asleep, the choices for foods should be discreet. Low-calorie and easy-to-digest foods that will supplement strength and satisfy appetite are better choices, for example, porridge or noodles with much soup. Oil-fried foods should be avoided or you will regret next day on the scales. Low-calorie foods like low-fat milk and fruits will not only help to lose weight but also beautify the body and faces. Too much eating of high-calorie foods will lead to obesity. Some meizitang botanical slimming soft gel will give you a hand dealing with the weight problem.

Next reason is that we often drink milk tea instead of plain water. In summer, the moisture loss is very fast so that much water will not make you feel tasteless. In autumn, the sweet milk tea is more attractive than plain water. If you feel the plain water taste not good, you can make some lemon water with some sugar in it. The calorie content of 1 lemon is less than 3o calories so there is no need to worry about gaining weight after dinking that delicious lemon water. Or you can also drink some herbal tea and green tea, which are also very helpful.

In autumn, the morning and night will be a little cold, which lose the many people’s courage to go outside for exercises. In summer swimming is comfortable but when it turns to autumn, many will lose their interest in swimming, which is a perfect way to keep a nice body figure. Exercises for 30 minutes in a day and for 4 days a week will boost your metabolism, which will make it not easy for you to get fat. Hula hoop, rhythmic gym, stair-climbing and robe skipping are all great exercises for losing weight. If you want to lose weight by no exercises quickly, try one meizitang gel before breakfast for this works very well.

After the temperature goes down, you will no longer take a long-time bath due to the coldness. We suggest you do some exercises before bath. After exercising, the blood circulation will be smoother and the metabolism faster. Usually you will get use to the cold temperature more easily. When autumn comes, we will put on more clothes and no loner care about the body figure. We suggest you wear suitable clothes and when your size change and you will feel it immediately, or it will be late when you find that you gain much weight next summer.

In summer, people will have little appetite for the temperature is high and you will feel uncomfortable. Then autumn comes and you appetite will restore and even become bigger. Sometimes you eat fried chicken without control. Therefore, the oil intake each day should be controlled. If you eat outside, you can prepare a bowl of water and dip the greasy foods in the water to get rid much of the oil on it.

Last but not least, when the appetite is better, the speed of eating will be faster, which will make you eat more than you need before you realize it. In autumn, people will have a higher rate of metabolism and then people need to eat more to satisfy the body’s need. It takes 30 minutes for the signal of being full to be transferred from stomach to brain. After you wolf down the foods, you will still feel nothing and keep eating. So chewing slowly is helpful for you to lose weight. Or a big cup of water or soup will help to control the appetite.

All these are reasons for gaining weight in autumn. If you do want to lose weight and do not want to gain any weight in autumn, the meizitang botanical slimming gel will help you in losing weight in autumn.

So what is most effective way of whitening?

Whitening is a hot topic is debated all year around, also is the life pursuit of all the women. Believe that “a white covering three ugly” wisdom, the soft water skin of women is to the outbreak of the temperament, realize this, the whitening is the focus of the woman hairdressing……. So what is most effective way of whitening? Together with botanical sliming soft gel and have a look at it.

Whitening prevention is more important than cure

Prevention is more important than cure; this truth is understood by everyone, so does it in the whitening. Many girls who want to whiten skin then shall pay attention to it. prevent basking is very important, whether it’s summer or winter, whether it is cloudy or sunny days, even indoors, computer, floodlight, etc have ultraviolet ray, ultraviolet ray can make your skin blacken, appear splash, etc, so prevent basking can’t relax. Sunscreen is the most basic method of preventing from basking, and when you go out do remember take tools to prevent basking. From the point of meizitang botanical slimming soft gel, if you want to be real white then do try to pay attention to the prevention of blackening.

Diet can let skin to be white and water from the outside to inside

Food is one of the grand opera for whitening , but there also have a lot of rumor of wrong ideas, first, a lot of people think that eat many tofu can make skin become tender, white, and eat more soy sauce, coffee etc this kind of deep color of food will make skin become black. Actually it will make skin black is photosensitive foods, such as celery, leek, etc; to eat many classics ultraviolet ray is easy to produce spot. And like red beans, carrots, papaya, orange, they contain much uranidin which can easy cause yellow spots in face. In fact, all of the above foods are rich in nutrition and it dose not mean you shall give up them, botanical slimming soft gel reminds you just do not eat too much of them before go outside.

If you want to whiten by food,  then to choose Chinese cabbage, onion, carrot and other food is very helpful, because they have the effect of desalt melanin, also can choose to eat corn, corn contain in the amino acid is natural ingredients of blocking uv, as for fruits, you can eat more strawberry, kiwi, guava, tomatoes, lemon and other food which is rich in vitamin, these are the holy product for whitening, they can let the skin quickly changed back to the state of the white tender. Botanical slimming soft gel thinks that natural whitening method which can let skin become beautiful from inside to outside

Before whitening first get enough water

We all know that drink more water can hairdressing, but why it can hairdressing most of us may do not know, drink more water actually can not only add water to cell, but also can make the old waste be discharged by it and promote metabolism or even can solve the problem of black spot which is caused by sunburn. So from the point of botanical slimming soft gel, whitening can not without water.

Except for the method of whitening by drinking much water, you can also whiten your skin through face film and daub moisture cream then to achieve the goal of adding water. It is suggested to use spray products which is convenient and you can bring it anytime and any place. It can make you skin keep in the state of moisture. Botanical slimming soft gel thinks that it is a good choice to choose the products which can both whitening and keep moisture.

Deep whiten and destroy dark yellow, melanin

There are so many methods of whitening but seldom methods can deep whiten can solve the problem of dark yellow melanin, so in the way of meizitang botanical slimming soft gel to choose a kind of product to help whiten your skin is the most effective way. So according to your skin and problem to choose a suitable product, and you can get advice from the professional experts or get advice from your experienced friends, so choose correct product to help whitening is really important.

It is important for you to take botanical slimming soft gel to control your appetite

Women who want slim body always try the slimming ways effectively, suggest you some magic slimming ways, only if you insist on, you will be successful with botanical slimming soft gel. The following 10 ways are regard as the most effective ways. It is based on 2000 calories consumed per day.

1. Reduce the intake of heat

Dietitian believes that whatever you control—protein, carbohydrate or fat, finally reduced the intake of heat. If each people take less 800 calories per day, 10 pounds can be lost in 6 weeks, and if take less 500 calories, 10 pounds can be reduced in 2 months and a half. But pay attention that don’t reduce weight too fast, it is very dangerous. Remember that each people should intake 1200 calories heat, if heat is less, you will lose muscle. Muscle is the key for people consume heat and speed up metabolism.

2. Eat a mouth of meat, lose 10 pounds 2 weeks

Experts point out that each 1g fat contains 9000 calories heat. Compared with fat, carbohydrate and protein contains less heat per gram, about 4 kg. Therefore, you needn’t eat less food if you want to lose weight, you can take fresh vegetable, fruit, and grain instead of the food contains fat, such as cream. Experts believe that if you take 20-40 g fat, you will lose 10 pounds in 2 months. Whatever, not everyone can lose weight if don’t eat fat, if you eat more carbohydrate, you will get fat.

3. Reduce the intake of food

If you want to reduce weigh, you needn’t give up the food you like, it is important for you to take botanical slimming soft gel to control your appetite. If you prefer some food and eat much, you should reduce the component each time. It is not 4 times a week, 200 g meat each time, but 100 g each time, if so you can take 1200 calories, and you can lose weight in about 7 months and a half. I suggest you put scales in the kitchen, and stick a slogan to remind yourself to pay attention of your intake.

4. A liquid every day, 10 pounds lost in 5 months

Usually, it is convenient to make liquid. If you only have a liquid or drink for one meal, you can lose 10 pounds in 8 weeks. The liquid should be different, and avoid lacking of nutrition. Under the guide of doctor, even you can take 2 liquid for 2 meals per day. if so you can lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks. But you should guarantee the nutrition contained in the liquid, and it can provide nutrition and protein needed for your body, and you should have 3 meals per day.

5. Walk for 45 minutes, and 10 pound lost in half a year

Insist 5 days a week, and once per day. Walk 6 km in each 45 minutes, and you can lose 10 pounds in 6 months. If you walk 6.5 km in each 45 minutes, you will lose more. Maybe someone would way that “have no time walking”. Actually, time is saved. Cardiovascular doctor point out that your appetite will add if you chose these slimming ways. Therefore, before or after walking, you can eat some low fat food or fresh fruit, drink more water, so that replenish moister reduced by sweat.

6. Regular exercise

Do 3-5 times exercise each week, taking botanical slimming soft gel is a good way for reducing fat in your body, lose weight, increase muscle and make you energetic. Running, 5 times each week, and 45 minutes each time, and run at 170 m per minute, so that you can lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Dancing, 6 times each week, and 1 hour each time, you can lose 10 pounds in 4 months. Swimming, 4 hours each week, and you can lose 10 pounds in 4 months. Biking, 4 times each week, and 1 hour each time, and bike at 150 km per minute, so that you can lose 10 pounds in 5 months. If you didn’t take regular exercise, you should do less at the beginning in order to protect your body. Do too much exercise, your appetite will increase, and you won’t each the goal of meizitang slimming.

7. Physical strength exercise

Physical strength exercise can enhance muscle. More muscle, metabolism faster. 3 times of 45 minutes’ weight lifting exercise each week, you will lose 10 pounds in 10 months. In order to avoid hurt yourself, you should invite a coach to help you choose appropriate weigh and make a plan for exercise. You should do stretch exercise before and after exercise, so that keep the flexibility of your body, and the weigh and times can be increased step up.

8. Reduce the take of heat, combined with walking

Drink mineral instead of coca-cola, and you can take 150 calories less per day. If add the 45 minutes’ 5 km walking each week, you will lose 10 pounds in 3 months. If you reduce more intake of heat, and keep the above walking, you will lose 10 pounds in 7 weeks.

9. Reduce the intake of fat, combined with weight lifting

This way can help you consume the extra fat in your body, keep slim body, increase muscle, speed up metabolism and promote cardiovascular healthy. Eat 20 g less fat, weight lifting 20 times, and 3 times each week, you can lose 10 pounds in 3 months and a half.

10. The best choice

According to the above 9 ways, make a plan step by step and can be carried out guaranteed, the most ideal combination scheme is that control your intake of fat, and strengthen exercise and physical strength. Only if you are confident and insist on doing, you will reach the goal of losing weight, and strengthen muscle, promote cardiovascular healthy and metabolism. Reduce take 100 calories heat per day, 3 times walking each week, and walk 3 km each 30 minutes, 2 times weight lifting each week, 40 minutes each time. If you combine these with meizitang botanical slimming soft gel, you can lose weight 10 pounds in 5 months.

Be patient, don’t be anxious for success

Experts point out that it is the most ideal for women lose 1-0.5 pounds a week, and men lose 1-2 pounds a week.

Meizitang botanical slimming soft gel can help you control your appetite

Besides fat people who want to lose weight all the time, slim women also pay great attention on losing weight. It is the most important for you to digest the food in your stomach effectively.

1. Have a “beautiful” breakfast

To weight loss people, the most important meal during the whole day is “breakfast”, study shows that you will be slimmer if you eat breakfast healthily and satisfied than those people who don’t have breakfast. It is the botanical slimming soft gel before breakfast that can help you speed up your metabolism, and you will burn much fat, so the breakfast can not be ignored. What’s more, appropriate protein, such as lean, egg, these can help you become slim. If you feel uncomfortable with breakfast, you can eat some fruit.

2. Wait for your brain tell you “I’m already full” graciously

Remember: when you eating, your brain needs about 20 minutes to get the signal of “I’m already full”. You will eat more if you gobble, so eat graciously not only can make you intake 67 less calories, but also it can make spittle resolve food preferably if you eat slowly. And it can make food taken effectively, and it can prevent heartburn and flatulence.

3. Sweetmeats time but not fat

Sweetmeats and weight loss really not absolutely irreconcilable, it just because people are fear about the calories contained in the sweetmeats, and you won’t get fat if you eat sweetmeats correctly, still it can make us more healthier. When empty stomach, the function of heat intake is the best, moreover you will eat more unconsciously. So high heat sweetmeats, such as cheese cake, you’d better eat it after meal, and digest it with food together so that you will take less heat. And you won’t eat too much.

4. Don’t reject the fat on the board

What is called delicate food? It means that you’d better not eat meat, only eat vegetable and fruit? Remember moderate control doesn’t mean rejection, give up all meat food, give up oil, and give up salt and soy, pickles and so on. It means that meizitang botanical slimming soft gel can help you control your appetite. Eat vegetable and fruit instead of all of the food everyday, this kind of “delicate meal” will make you lack of protein and fat if long period, and it will reduce metabolism. It isn’t benefit for losing weight, and even it will affect your health.

5. Improve metabolism

Blood sugar value will reduce if you don’t eat anything beyond 4-5 hours. If so, your body will be eager for a mass of sugar. This can make you feel tired and hungry. The key for you to control your appetite is that have meals regularly, and eat suitable each meal. Experts advocate that you can add 2 more luncheonette besides the three meals per day, and appetite would better be appropriate. A cup of scented tea, juice or other low heat drinks, all these are the good choice for luncheonette. It can make your body digest and intake more effectively, and this way can make your metabolism sat in stable activity, and at the same time the possibility of fat gather will be reduced.

6. High fiber makes you healthier

Botanical slimming soft gel and the food contains high fiber can make people produce full feeling, and you can keep this feeling for a long period. Fiber also can help you keep your blood sugar value (blood sugar makes you keep energy), and make your defecate regular. As the dish before meal, a salad or vegetable soup is the best. And eat a piece of fruit is better after meal. Whatever, the heat contained these food would better lower than 500 calorie, or you will get fat.

7. Enjoy the delicious only when you have meals

When you face the delicious, ask yourself whether you’re hungry or not firstly. If you don’t hungry, you’d better not eat, do things you want to do, so that it can disperse your attention on the food. If you are really hungry, you can have your fill. But you’d better eat a little low heat food, such as apple, cucumber, and it is benefit for you to control your appetite.

8. Forget the lie which you can’t eat staple food

The energy intake takes up 35%-40% energy of your whole day, at the same time that nutrition guaranteed, rice must be had, because under the condition of usual energy, rice really not the food which make you get fat, and the protein contained in rice can help you prevent losing hair, dim skin, resistance poor and so on. Even if during the period of controlling your weigh, you should eat 150g staple food, so that you can maintain normal physiological function, and you can also take oat, millet or brown rice and so on, these foods contain rich fiber, and meizitang  botanical slimming soft gel can restrain the intake of sugar and fat, and it is very benefit for losing weight.

Take a meizitang gel before the meal and then you can keep fit and even lose weight

People say some sleepy persons always feel sleepy in spring, tired in autumn and reluctant to wake up in winter. In summer the temperature is high in the night so we always have a bad sleep. While in autumn, the weather is cool and uncomfortable but why will we feel tired? In hot summer, much sweating will unbalance the metabolism of water and salt in our body and the function of stomach and intestines will be weak and there will be more burdens to the cardiovascular system. At this time, the body is at a stage of excessive consumption. When autumn comes, the weather will become cool and pleasant, the sweating will reduce. At this time, the body is in a recovery stage and the metabolism of water and salt will regain its balance and the burdens will be released. Besides the digestive system goes back to work and we will feel extremely exhausted, which is often called “autumn tiredness”. Here meizitang will introduce some reasons that will cause autumn tiredness and try to find ways to solve this problem. We hope that we can enjoy a energetic summer.

The first reason is eating too little food and always going on diet. Less eating especially no breakfast will make people more likely to get tired. Those students and office workers always miss breakfast due to the lack of time. Some even form a habit of not having breakfast. According to nutrition scientific researches, breakfast is the most important meal in one day. Breakfast is the switch to the normal function of brain. After a night’s sleep, the hormone secretion will be at a very low level and the stored glucose will be used up within the 8 hours after the meal but the cells in brain can only get energy from glucose. Breakfast is like a timely rain and will increase the hormone secretion in a short time in order to provide enough energy to brain cells. If you eat no breakfast, the spirit will be low and so will be the work efficiency. If the condition is worse, this will lead to tiredness, dizziness, sickness and even faintness. When you get emotional because of the hunger, you can not focus on your work or study. So those people who want to lose weight by diets should also have breakfast. We suggest take one meizitang gel half hour before the breakfast, which can help lose much weight without dieting.

The second reason is the contrary, which is too much eating. After eating, in order to complete the digestion, more blood will be provided. In this way, much blood will flow to digestive tract and the blood supply for other tissues and brain will reduce. Especially the brain for it can not store energy, the metabolism will be prevented by lack of oxygen, which will directly affect the function of brain and make us feel tired. The latest statistics show long period of much eating will aggravate brain arterial sclerosis and lead to senile dementia. So meizitang  botanical slimming suggests we should not eat too much and 70% full is enough and healthy.

Third is too much oil intake. Accidental intake of excessive fat will do no harm to the body but if the hyperlipidemia patients intake much fat, this will make the blood fat level higher. The high content of fat in vessels will lead to the slowing down of the blood flow and the oxygen supply function will also decrease and then the heart will have to increase the contraction force. Then people will get tired easily and fierce movements will add the burden of heart and increase your feeling of tiredness. After eating much oil, we suggest drink some tea, which can get rid of the grease. And if you do not want to gain weight after eating much oil, you can take a meizitang gel before the meal and then you can keep fit and even lose weight.

Excessive eating of seafood will also bring about tiredness. There is a substance called sodium glutamate, which is also the main ingredient of gourmet powder. During the process of its digestion, a new substance will be produced, which will cause over excitation of the central nervous system. And according to meizitang, if there is much new substance provided, this will suppress the nerve system and make you dizzy and sleepy.

The next is too much intake of tryptophan foods. Tryptophan is the necessary amino acid in the body and it can stimulate the secretion of serotonin in the brain nerve cells. Serotonin has an effect in suppressing the activity of thinking of the brain. Therefore too much eating will make people feel tired and sleepy. There is rich tryptophan in millet, milk, mushrooms, black sesames and soy beans etc. We suggest a healthy amount of those foods because meizitang found that proper amount of those foods is very beneficial to the health of the body.

The last but not least reason is much drinking of acidic beverage after exercises. After exercises, there will appear much lactic acid in the body and those acidic beverages will make the lactic acid accumulate. As a result, the sense of tiredness will increase. Meizitang suggests much intake of vegetables and fruits after exercises. The autumn tiredness is related to the slight acid body fluid. Much alkaline will neutralize the acid substance and help eliminate tiredness. Foods like tomato, egg plant, potato, grape and peaches contain much vitamin and will help to relieve the tired feeling of the body.

How to meizitang slim your face effectively?

Baby face always bothers those who want to become more womanly. How to meizitang  slim your face effectively? Here slim forte will introduce some ways specially for losing the fat on face and help you avoid baby fat on the face. Chubby face will mislead others to think you as a girl and sometimes people will think you are fat just because of your chubby face. If you want to have a face like movie stars and models, it is not impossible to get a face like theirs. Those tips will help you change the chubby face into a small one and help you get a perfect face shape. The first way to slim the face is to eat Chinese pearl barley to eliminate the edema. Chocolate, chips and sodas are all junk foods, which are high in calorie content, sugar content and salt content. And those foods will naturally lead to fat accumulation and some chubby faces are caused by edema. Chinese pearl barley is a good choice to get rid of edema and you can drink both in the morning and also at night. If you like porridge, you can put some in the porridge and also can use this to make tea which also works. In the morning after you get up from bed, you can take one slim forte gel, which can help get rid of fat on your face gradually. It helps to lose weight in your body and when you are slim and usually the face will also slim down. The second method is to wash face with cold water. There is a physical theory that says articles will expand with heat and contract with cold. So when we use cold water, the pore in our face will be smaller and the muscles will also be tight because of contraction. Next way is to move your mouth often. You can try the best to pronounce “a,o,e,i”. In a movie, the actress uses this method, which is very popular in Japan. Some girls like to chew gums, which will make the muscles stronger and the face bigger. So in order to have a small face, slim forte suggests you to chew less gum and keep a slice of cachou in the mouth are better. If one person is fat, he will look fat all over the body including the face. Some people will get a slim face when they have lost much weight. If you want to slim your face, you first should slim the body. In order to lose weight, it is better to avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol will gain you weight because of its high calorie content and will hurt liver. And some stretch movements will help you get a slim face. When people get fat, it is easy to get double chin. You can loop up to the ceilings and reach out your tongue slowly and keep this gesture for 5 seconds and then take the tongue back slowly. Then close the mouth and head down and then back to eye level. In the morning and at night you can do 3 groups of these movements, you will get a beautiful chin after a long time practice. If you are a busy office lady and need some quick way to hide your chubby face, you can use make-up. Change your eyebrow shape into bow and make it long, thin and high. This is the advice a beauty shop will give to you. When you put eye shadow, you can use some coffee color to stretch the line and get a result like being cupped. On the bridge of your nose, use some white eye shadow to make an erect stereoscopic perception. Use lipstick to stretch the line of lip and make it clear and the up lip thicker. From top to the below part of the cheek, use coffee color to make a shadow, which will make your face more stereoscopic. The last way slim forte tells you is the slim cream on the market. In the morning after you wash the face, you can put some and at night there is no need to. Many kinds of slim cream have functions of eliminating edema and usually the edema is most severe in the morning and the slim cream will be very effective. If you can stick for a long time, you will get the slim face you ever wanted. After the massage, you can then put one some day cream, it is not greasy in    can try  meizitang botanical slimming .

Meizitang slimming thinks it is a choice for people who want to lose weight

Core Tip: with the coming of fall and the diet also need a bit of change, so as to ensure effective and healthy weight loss, so meizitang slimming recommends the following kinds of healthy foods which are most suitable for losing weight quickly, while also can complement nutrients to body.

1 carrot

In spring, carrot is so sweet and also abundant in water. It is very popular for weight loss. In addition, carrots contains low heat, it can restrain your desire for sugar. Cook soup with it or eat in raw are both health and delicious. So for girls who want to lose weight, meizitang slimming thinks it is good choice.

2, spinach

In spring spinach has strong flavor. Per cup of spinach only contains 10 calories. It can not only meet the cellulose supplement, it is also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and magnesium, potassium, iron and other minerals. Spinach can increase the sense of full and so reduce appetite, so meizitang slimming thinks it is a choice for people who want to lose weight and can not bear the suffer of hungry. .

3, sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas are low in calories and high in fiber, which can do well for heart and lose weight. It also grows in spring. Sugar snap peas are also a kind of delicious and low-in fat slimming snack. Sugar snap peas can give you a variety of nutrients which the body needs. From the point of meizitang slimming, fried with olive oil or do vegetable salads both are very tasteful weight-loss food.

4, okra

Okra, also known as okra, coffee, Huang Kui, hair eggplant, okra has now become so popular after viewed as high nutritional vegetables. The study found that okra contains cellulose which can help speed up fat burning and promote the excretion of metabolites. In addition, it also helps to maintain a stable blood sugar levels, these are the key to weight loss. However, meizitang slimming reminds you be sure to roast it when eat which has better function for losing weight.

5, rabbit

Rabbit meat contains more protein than other meats, and its low-calorie is a good healthy choice for weight loss. Rabbit meat is a high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat, texture delicate, delicious, nutrient-rich, compared with other meats, has a high digestibility (85%), food can easily be digested after absorption, which is not found in other meats. Therefore, the rabbit meat is a very popular weight-loss food.

6, wild leeks

Wild leek generally appears only a few weeks in the spring, per 100 grams contains only 35 calories, the taste is very good which is a very good food for losing weight. If you like them, it is best to buy locally, and then put into the refrigerator, meizitang slimming tells you put it in cold condition can keep it fresh for long time.

7, Morel

Morel is a very nutritious wild mushrooms. Morel inhibit tumor-containing polysaccharides, antibacterial, antiviral active ingredient, with enhanced immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-virus, inhibit tumor, and many other role; Japanese scientists found morel extract containing tyrosinase inhibition agent can effectively suppress the formation of lipofuscin, it is ideal food for fat people

8, bean sprouts

Both bean sprouts and mung bean sprouts have high medicinal value. Especially the green beans after germination, the vitamin C content of up to seven times of the original bean. Bean sprouts with a low calorie and high content of fiber and water, so eat bean sprouts can achieve the goal of weight loss.                                   Meizitang  botanical slimming knows that bean sprouts have the same function of chives, which can also prevention constipation.

9, beet

Sugar beet is one of the super foods to lose weight in the Mediterranean diet. 1 cup sugar beet can provide you with 30% of the human body needs folic acid and vitamin B. Beet contains rich in cellulose and pectin which can help clean up the stomach, relieve constipation. In addition, from the point of meizitang slimming, it has obvious function of losing weight.

10, broad beans

Beans contain a large number of proteins and large amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and so on. According to nutrition experts, broad bean has a role of benefiting spleen and it can also take effect on obesity, especially for water-based obesity, so it has some effect on weight loss, can replace the fine rice noodles as staple food.

Best choice for meizitang slimming down the thighs

All women are normal and they also love to eat delicious foods. I love both a nice body figure and gourmet. Eating will lead to obesity, is it absolutely true? This is just scary legend. Here p57 hoodia will introduce 6 kinds of magic weight loss vegetables and fruits, which will help you, lose much weight if you eat this in a long time.

The best choice to slim down the face is the celery. There is much fiber in celery and then when people eat celery; they need to chew very hard, which will naturally build the muscles around the face. In one plant of celery, there are only 4-5 calories and chewing of it takes 5-8 calories. When the celery comes to the stomach, it will take another 5 calories in the body. The calorie content in consuming the celery surpass the content in the celery itself, so this will burn energy and make you lose weight. Much eating of celery will slim you down easily, especially for your face.

Next is the best choice for meizitang slimming down the thighs. The thighs will store energy just like the humps of camels do. This is a storage place for emergency energy use. So it is very easy for the thighs to accumulate fat. The spicy mustard oil in white turnip will boost the fat metabolism in thighs and avoid fat accumulation in thighs. This function is unparalleled with other kinds of fruits and vegetables. P57 hoodia suggests women can use this way to lose the fat in the thighs and get a nice figure.

The best for the waist is strawberry. If you really want to lose the fat in waist, it is very good to eat some strawberry. The aspartate in strawberry will naturally get rid of the excessive water in the waist part and dissolve the fat slowly and gradually in order to discharge the toxins. This method, according to p57 hoodia, is very effective to lose weight in waist.

For the back, the beauty of women, the grapefruit will be better choice. Unfortunately the fat in the back and shoulders are very hard to get rid of. But if you can find the exact reason, it will be easier. The increase of fat in the back resulted from the intake of excessive sugar and the transformation of sugar into fat. Grapefruit is low in calorie content and there is a special kind of enzyme, which can affect the absorption of sugar and transformation into fat. So p57 hoodia considers this is the best choice for those who want to get a beautiful back. Then it comes to the best for the leg, watermelon. One ingredient in watermelon can discharge toxins and the excessive salt in order to eliminate the phenomenon of edema in legs. And the rich potassium in watermelon can help achieve a beautiful leg figure.

Last but not least, tomatoes will help lose weight in the belly. If there are lots of wastes in the intestines, which will cause distended belly. There is much fiber in tomatoes, which will help digest the excessive fat and discharge the toxins. Before meals, a tomato, according to p57 hoodia, will suppress the absorption of fat and for a long time, this will help you get a flat belly.

Here are some suggestions for losing weight in different body parts. If we want a nice body figure, we do not want a fat back or a fat thigh. So if you want to be hotter, you can try those ways and lose the weight on which part you want to. And if this is slow for you, you can take one p57 hoodia soft gel a day and it will be more effective. With p57 hoodia, you start your journey to become a can try meizitang botanical slimming .

Meizitang botanical slimming, as a well-received weight loss product

According to statistics, the obesity rate of school student in China is 5%-7% and in Beijing the rate even reaches up to 15%-17%. With the popularity of childhood obesity, losing weight becomes a common issue in the school. As for this, meizitang botanical slimming considered weight loss project for obese teenagers as a top priority.

Obesity will do both short-term and long-term harm to the obese children mentally. Compared with the normal teenagers, obese children tend to be corpulent and clumsy. A little exercise will exhaust them and they will gasp and sweat easily. Whey they sit still, it is more likely for them to feel sleepy. Obese teenagers are not agile in the outdoor exercises. As a result, they are often laughed at and repelled by other students. In order to protect their fragile self-respect, they will refuse to take part in any kind of activity. In addition, when they go out for shopping, they will feel embarrassed if there are no suitable clothes for them. If things go on like this, they will become diffident, evasive, and dependent psychologically and have behavior barriers to some extent. Furthermore, most of the obese teenagers dislike exercises and they lack the energy to do physical labor, so they have a weak immunity system and then they will be liable to some respiratory diseases and other kinds of infectious diseases. According to meizitang botanical slimming, the teenagers who are extremely obese will have a problem with the growth of thorax and diaphragm because of the over thick subcutaneous fat. In this case, this will have poor lung ventilation and even there will be heart failure symptoms. According to clinical researches, due to the serious fat accumulation partially, they will have abnormal genitals. Moreover, the big paunch will set obstacles on their sex life after marriage.

Some psychologists consider that the symptoms of obesity begin at an early age. The parents are too fat or thin, so they can help to give their children more foods. Thin parents want their children become stronger and some of fat parents just never think their obese children as overweight. Sometimes when teenagers lose some weight when they fall in ill, the parents always encourage their children to eat much, for they think fatness is a symbol of health.

In their early age, the prize for good behaviors or punishment for bad ones their parents give them are mostly provision or deprivation of delicious foods, which set a stereotype in the children’s mind: if they want to be praised or avoid punishment, they should eat more. As a result, in those families, the children always have a big appetite and always eat fast. Too much intake of starchy desserts will lead to excessive heat intake into the body. When the heat was transformed into stored fat, it will cause obesity eventually.

The behavior psychologists find that those who always eat up their foods are more likely to be fat. No matter how much their bodies need, they always eat all the foods put in front of them. For example, if you give a fat man a take of foods, which is more than he wants, he will also eat up and if they are given less, they will not ask for more after they have finished. Usually people have normal weight will leave some in the plate when they feel hungry or ask for more when they are not full. An interesting research has found that common people will tell whether they are full from the feeling of the stomach and control the time for meal and the amount they eat, while fat people always decide the time and amount based on outward factors. According to meizitang botanical slimming, there is also an obvious difference between the fat ones and the slim ones’ responses to delicious or distasteful foods. In an experiment, both tasty and distasteful drinks are given to the fat and slim people. The result shows the fit one will drink 1.5 times more when they dink the delicious one while the fat people will drink 5 times more when they drink the delicious ones. When the obese teenagers fell tired, lonely, idle, anxious or tedious, they will indulge in eating, which differs differently from those teenagers who have normal weight. 50% of the obese teenagers will glutton periodically. They have desire for foods and they can not control themselves. They only feel guilty after they have eaten much. This will be more severe when they come across unhappy things. Some of them, especially some female, have habits to eat much at night. At the same time, they will suffer from insomnia, dry mouth, and sense of hunger as well as depression.

Obesity is a serious problem we should never neglect. Meizitang botanical slimming, as a well-received weight loss product, is suitable for those who have obesity problem since an early age. Losing weight will be extra difficult for those obese people. Taking these pills will help a lot to make weight loss less difficult.

Walking will help a lot to lose the fat on the waist

A perfect body figure costs much. However, many people are born lazy and dislike any kind of sports. For this group of people, here meizitang will introduce 4 ways to lose weight without exercises.

First, walk at least 5000 steps everyday. Those female who want to lose the fat on the waist but have no time for exercises can keep on walking over 5000 steps in a fast speed per day, which will reduce the waistline. Fast walking does not take much time and you can make full use of your free time. You can walk 100-120 steps per minute, which means you are not out of breath and can also have a conversation(heartbeat: 20 per minute). 30 minutes will be enough will be enough for you and all the time can be spared easily and separately from daily life. This will not only benefit your feet but also build up the muscles. This is suitable for those girls who want to lose fat on the waist and dislike any sport. In about 2-3 months, you will lose 2 kilos and the waistline will decrease by 3 centimeters. Especially 1 hour after supper, walking will help a lot to lose the fat on the waist.

Second, slow down the speed you eat. In the brain of human beings, there are pivots, which control the appetite. If you eat fast, your brain can not receive the signal of being full when you are actually full. This kind of overeating will make you fat naturally. According to meizitang, the weight of those people who eat fast will increase greatly when they turn 40. If one eats slowly, the weight will not increase by a large margin.

Third, we recommend Chinese massage to you. Nowadays, with the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine, more and more people are turning to acupuncture and other ways for help. Some herbal plants are introduced to the foreign people. Meizitang, as an effective weight loss product, makes the most of the traditional Chinese medicine theory in using some herbal plants, like lotus leaf and bamboo, etc. Massage, in fact, will make the fat burn and you can relax on a bed and enjoy the burning of the fat inside your body. When you are massaged by a professional, the passive exercise will help to lose weight, which is suitable for the lazy people and those who have local obesity. Those who have vigorous appetite usually have body function problems. Much phlegm and qi deficiency are some of their body characteristics, which can be cured by massage. Massage will follow the main and collateral channels in the body and use methods of pressing and stimulating some acupoints in order to regulate liver functions, suppress appetite and remove the sense of huger and tiredness. In this way, this will improve the microcirculation and balance the yin and yang in order to transform fat into energy by speeding up the decomposition of fat. You can also focus on some parts of the body and get a well-proportioned can try meizitang botanical slimming .

Forth, have a proper amount of sleep. Sleep is the most economic way to lose weight, for regular sleep can not only solve the overweight problem but also save a lot of money. According to meizitang, much sleep will not lead to obesity and other kinds of health problems. Insufficient or excessive sleep will result in obesity. Among those who lack sleep, 33% of them are overweight. 26% of those who sleep for 9 hours or more are obese. Those who have proper amount of sleep are the slimmest and the obesity rate is only 22%. For the female, lack of sleep can both influence the body figure and bring about various diseases, like cardiovascular diseases, depression and other psychological diseases. Compared with the male, the female should get enough sleep for the benefit of the health. At the same time, as a research shows, lack of sleep will cause some symptoms like being depressive, aggressive and sensitive.

All in all, some attention on daily details will contribute a lot to losing weight. As far as meizitang is concerned, the secret of a nice body figure lies in the healthy life style of us. For example, we should control the intake of high-calorie foods like fried chickens, potato chips. In this competitive society, a fit body is needed to survive. From the experience of obese people, we can see they often feel diffident and inferior to others. When they get slim, they will become confident and energetic. For the mental and physical health of us, we strongly believe that a fit body is necessary for everybody. The way to lose weight might be bumpy and muddy, but if you are brave enough to cope with this problem with endurance, you will get a nice body figure as you expected finally. What you need to do is to wake up from your daydream of being slim and take actions to implement your weight loss project.

Can eat eggs help to lose weight?

Summer is a good season for losing weight, and I will introduce you some food which are very suit for eating in summer. And dream body can help you lose weight quickly, and you can also reach the goal of losing weight at the same time when you enjoy the delicious.

Eat more poultry, eat less pork

The protein in poultry is animal protein, it is the nutrition needed by your body. But pork is not as good as poultry, and it contains much saturated fatty acid. Therefore, dietitian agree to eat chicken, duck, pork is ok, but don’t eat too much, it is benefit for health.

Bacteria mushrooms into dietary structure to food

Mushrooms, mushroom, black agaric and so many bacteria mushrooms, they contain less protein, and generally vegetable contains more, the essential amino-acid is properiate, and many kinds of trace elements and human essential substances, and dream body has good health care function for you to have it for a long time.

Grain can not be ignored

There’re all kinds of grain, but ADI of grain has become less and less. If you don’t take enough heat for a long time, the heat provided by carbohydrate is 55% lower than food heat, body only can take protein as heat so that children stop growing, and adults have no energy. Expect fat and diabetic, adults should take 300-400 g grain.

Eat about 500 g vegetable (contain 50-100 g fruit)

In addition the abundant vitamin, mineral substance contained in vegetable, it also contains abundant dietary fiber. It not only can avoid constipation, but also can reduce the harmful substance in the excrement and harm of intestinal wall to avoid intestinal cancer, and it is benefit for preventing fat and improving lipid supersession.

Salt, it is a rapier

Many studies show that dream body is necessary. But it is harmful for you to take too much have salt. Too much salt is one of crime culprit of gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. High Na can raise blood pressure obviously. In addition, eating too much salt will cause the loss of calcium. Change the bad habit of “salt is fresh”, try your best to control salt in 500 g per month for 3 people’s family.

Create condition to eat marine fish

Marine fish oil contains abundant unsaturated fatty acid, and it has the function of reducing blood fat. It can eliminate fat deposit in your can try meizitang.

Control the intake of high sugar and high salt

According to the survey of physiologist, if each people add one more spoon sugar and one spoon of oil per day, then they will get 10 kg more weight in one year. Fat is necessary, but too much is harmful.

Usually adults should take 2 spoons (about 30 g), and fat, hyperlipemia can take one spoon per day.

Each people eat one egg per day

Can eat eggs help to lose weight? Lecithin in yolk can reduce the blood viscosity, and it can help to avoid composure of cholesterol. The necessary essential amino-acid provided by egg, and the proportion is very suit for people’s body.

Each people drink a cup of milk per day

Drink a cup of milk and take a capsule of dream body before breakfast or before sleep per day, and try to develop a habit of drink milk. Can drink milk help to lose weight? Milk contains abundant Ca, literature shows that atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, colon cancer, Senile Dementia and so on, all these disease are related to the lack of Ca. people who are lack of lactase can drink yoghourt instead of milk.

Eat beans and bean products,you can try meizitang botanical slimming.

beans and bean products are benefit for solving malnutrition, and it can replenish the protein needed by body, and it also can prevent over nutrition, it is not like that eat meat can increase cholesterol. Bean is the crop contains the most protein, and it is the best quality crop.

Meizitang botanical slimming soft gels will be more helpful

When summer comes, the market of weight loss products will be extraordinarily active. Those dealers will come out to advertise for their new weight loss products and boast about the magic effects of their products in burning fat. As a result, girls can not control themselves to have a try of those products and some, unfortunately, become victims of those weight loss products. Is there any medicine or physical therapy that can get rid of the fat? The answer is yes, but the key is to choose the right product. For example, meizitang soft gel is a very good product, which is botanical and will help you lose much weight. Though there are several kinds of effective weight loss products on the market, you should keep in mind that nothing can replace the effects of exercises in losing weight.

Exercises will burn the fat in your body. The energy in the body exist in many ways and relaxing exercises can only transfer the sugar into energy; only intensive exercises will help to burn fat. A longer and more intensive exercise will burn the fat faster and naturally you will lose much weight. For example, fast walking for 30 minutes everyday is suitable for one who wants to consume more calories. During exercises, the energy in your body will be consumed in order to keep your legs and arms in work. Long-time walking will make you sweat and feel tired. When you stop exercising, your body will keep consume energy which will boost your metabolism in 24 hours. One time of intensive exercise will consume the calorie intake that day and will also burn the accumulated fat. Obviously, if you want to extend the effects of burning calories, meizitang gel suggests you take a kind of exercise for a long time and maintain the metabolism rate at a high level.

Meanwhile, body will keep consuming water, so in order to balance the liquid in your body you had better take in enough water. 2 liter of water per day will help consume 100 more calories. In the long run, this will help lose much weight. Besides, enough water will make our kidney and liver healthier and decrease the possibility for you to get excessive internal heat.

If you do not like the taste of plain water, tea will be a better choice to lose weight for tea can help to discharge wastes. In fact, the caffeine in green tea and red tea can also help burn fat, because the caffeine will excite your body, fill your body with energy and boost the metabolism rate as well. Some researches show tea can intervene with the body’s digestion of carbohydrate and decrease the intake of calories consequently.

If you want to lose weight but can not stand the hunger caused by dieting, you can eat more meals a day but fewer amounts each time. Along with this, taking some meizitang botanical slimming soft gels will be more helpful. This will promote the bowel movements and decompose the foods fully in order to absorb nutrition. The normal function of body organs takes a large amount of energy. Compared to those who have 1-2 meals a day but each time eat much food, this way is healthier and will consume more energy.

Getting up in the morning is really difficult for someone so those people will hurry to work and always miss the breakfast. Some even think no breakfast can help to lose weight. As a matter of fact, you will gain weight if there is no breakfast. It is easier for you to indulge in eating without control at lunch and dinner if breakfast is missed. And then you will take in more calories that day. Among teenagers, those who have no breakfast will have a higher body mass index and it will be more likely for them to get fat.

Next more low-fat diary foods will be good for our bodies. Though low-fat diary products can not help to burn more fat, it will prevent the formation of fat. You can take in more calcium and less fat from your diet. A research shows that foods rich in calcium, like diary products, will lessen the fat accumulation on your belly.

When you exercise, surely you will use muscles. Through strength training, muscles will be stronger and muscular tissue will consume more energy than adipose tissue. The most effective way to boost metabolism is to combine aerobic exercises with anaerobic strength training exercises. With the growth of age, the metabolism will slow down and muscle training will be necessary at this time. In order to change this situation, you need to increase the intensity and frequency. meizitang Botanical slimming gel suggests you exercise to your limit for at least 1-2 times a week. There are muscles in legs, belly, chest and arms, so we should use those muscles to consume more energy. Therefore strength training is necessary.

Believe it or not, when you are upset, your body will consume more calories. So feel free to be upset but never go too far.

Diet with enough nutrition in it along with meizitang botanical slimming soft gels

With the appearance of all kinds of methods to lose weight, eating raw foods seems to have become a fashion. It is said raw foods have more nutrients and will also help lose weight for they are absolutely natural. People eat raw eggs and believe it is more nutritious. But in fact, this is not healthy to eat raw eggs. When our ancestors did not have fire, they eat raw foods and people now are getting crazy about returning back to nature. There are raw fish and beef on the table and we consider it a healthy life style. Here meizitang gel reminds you of 10 kinds of foods that can not be eaten raw, or it will cause discomforts or ailments.

The first is day lily. There is colchicin in fresh day lily and when the colchicin taken into our body, 3-20 mg will poison a person to death. Next raw chufa can not be eaten either. The fasciolopsis on raw chufa will be taken into body and will be attached to intestine walls, which will lead to intestinal ulcer, diarrhea and face edema. Third, sugar is not suggested to be eaten raw either, for it will make it easy for you to get mite diseases because there are lots of mites in sugar. Mite is a small insect with hair on its body and you can not see it by eyes. Mites can reproduce very fast in sugar and if mites are eaten into intestines and stomach, it will cause stomachache, diarrhea and ulcer. If they are taken into lung, they will cause hemoptysis and asthma. When they get into urinary tract, they will cause inflammation. Therefore, meizitang soft gel suggests that raw sugar should be avoided and before eating, you had better process it by heat.

Forth, raw honey should also be avoided. During the production of honey, some poisonous pollen is often collected. When this honey is eaten by human, people will get poisoned. Besides during the harvest, transportation and preservation of the honey, it is easy to be polluted by bacteria. As a result, we also suggest raw honey be avoided. Fifth, fresh raw agarics can not be directly eaten. There are some kinds of photo sensitizers in it and after eating raw agarics, it will lead to solar dermatitis. Some severe patients will suffer from skin itch, edema and pain. Sixth, raw soybean milk can not be eaten. Soybean milk is very delicious and has a high nutritional value. Uncooked or not boiled soybean milk will lead to intoxication. There are some harmful ingredients in raw soybean milk, like antitrypsin, phenols and saponin. Antitrypsin can affect the digestion of protein in our body. Phenols will make the milk taste bitter and raw. Saponin will stimulate digestive tract, produce toxins and destroy red blood cells, causing nausea, sickness and diarrhea. Seventh, raw river fish can not be eaten. Liver fluke will live in fishes and if we eat those fishes carrying with liver fluke, the liver fluke will grow insider our body, which will bring about cholangitis or even cirrhosis. In addition, raw crabs and lobsters can not be eaten. The bacteria and lung flukes in those foods will damage the liver and cause inflammation and hyperemia. Ninth is the raw egg, which was considered to be nutritious. The antibiotic protein in eggs will combine with the biotin, which will prevent the digestion of biotin. Besides, there are salmonella in raw eggs and it will result to sickness and diarrhea. The last are the beans, including lentil, kidney bean, string beans and so on. There is toxalbumin called lectin in beans, which is common to be found in grown beans. If they are cooked for 10 minutes by intense fire, this lectin can be eliminated. So no matter what dish you make with beans, meizitang botanical slimming soft gel suggests that you should make sure you have cooked for more than 10 minutes.

For those girls who favor raw foods in order to lose weight, those special kinds of foods should be avoided. If they do want to lose weight fast, we suggest a balanced diet with enough nutrition in it along with meizitang botanical slimming soft gels. Many people have succeeded in losing weight by this method and they do not even need to exercise but can lose much weight. Therefore, it is a perfect choice for you.

The moisture inside body retention and meizitang botanical slimming

The arm is one of the most difficult parts of the thin women, who said thin arms through sports can achieve only effect, I seek to come to some can through diet way of rapid thin arms way, have the interest friend together and see it.
Rapid thin arms: eliminate dropsy
Lead to deterioration of the systemic eating habits and cold is caused the moisture inside body retention and meizitang botanical slimming, form the swelling of the main reason, so we on food special attention, remember the following points:
1, usually to great diet, and will try to drink less cold drinks, little eating cold food.
2, avoid to eat the food taste heavy.
Three, to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, and can promote the blood circulation of food, such as beef, tomato, botanical slimming strawberry, pineapple, apple, kiwi, lemon, bananas and other food.
Rapid thin arms: disappear fat
Want to completely thin arms, actually need systemic coordination, otherwise effect won't good, because the upper body fat is not on the arm of the stock. People usually shoulder, botanical slimming arm and chest and back of the list are very flabby muscle, so want to have a pair of strong arm of the slender, you must be far away from the heat, high fat food.
Rapid thin arms: how to stay
Maybe in after a period of time really obvious arm attenuate, also need not again to those summer sleeveless outfit stay at a respectful distance from sb, food no more control, is not really like that, botanical slimming even if your thin arms success, but may also rebounded, especially everybody is not very seriously arm, so still have to keep the above mentioned the reasonable food way.
Rapid thin arms: eat a point what
Apple: apple contains a lot of pectin, vitamin C, nutrition, so is very good fruit reducing weight, can play the role of reducing fat.
The onion: although the taste of onion is not liked, botanical slimming but it contains prostaglandin A, can rise to diastolic blood vessels, fall blood pressure effects, and onion also contain ally base three sulfur compounds and A small amount of sulfur amino acids, they can rise to fall thematic fat, prevent arteriosclerosis role.
Grapefruit: grapefruit contains the acidity material can promote digest liquid secretion and improves the digestive function, meizitang botanical slimming eliminate fatigue and beautify skin, grapefruit also contains a lot of vitamin c, and little sugar content.
Wax gourd: eat frequently wax gourd can rise to eliminate excess pounds and moisture role, is to reduce weight on the market.
Tomatoes, tomato contain a called leucopenia material, and also contain food fiber and pectin, can rise to prevent heat excessive intake, and can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.
Botanical slimming mushroom: it has the obvious reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, low density lipoprotein level role, regular consumption can make high density lipoprotein increase.
Carrot: carrot contains a large number of pectin acid calcium, when bile acid and only the body back, the body in order to produce bile acid, will use the cholesterol in the blood, and so can reduce the cholesterol in the blood volume.
This is through the diet to rapid thin arms method, botanical slimming improve their eating habits, will not have to worry about the body will be fat.

Meizitang botanical slimming chili oil

Low fat diet makes you one day energy multiply. Daily food too rich, will be thinking about to eat light nutrition things. Recommended low fat diet, is healthy, it is a good method reducing weight.
Speed thin breakfast a: nutrition salty bean curd pudding
Nutrition salty bean curd pudding material: botanical slimming, the tender tofu a box of garlic, ginger, Onions, carrots, mushrooms, commodities with cooked with pine nuts, coriander.
1. Commodities bubble little piece of hair cut, other materials, Xiao ding peace then into.
2. Let the water tender tofu and cook 1 to 2 minutes.
3. Hot pan with a little oil, explode and shallot ginger garlic, botanical slimming and then add the other ingredients fry half a minute, and an appropriate amount of Soya, sugar, Chance taste.
4. Will be cooked tofu cross into thin small pieces filled in the bowl. Pour 3 material, like some more prior cooked pine nuts, meizitang botanical slimming chili oil, coriander broken, before eating can without stumbling.
Speed thin breakfast 2: bread pudding salad
Bread pudding salad materials: whole wheat toast 1 piece, butter, garlic, appropriate amount of boiled egg, 1 almond broken random amount, and the small tomato six to seven, 2 slices of cucumber, leaves half root.
1. 2 slices lettuce leaves and small tomato six, egg, 1 celery 1 small section, cucumber 1 small section, care about tomatoes botanical slimming and cucumbers choose their own a line, wash dishes and tear up into small pieces, cucumber slice, small tomatoes to cut, celery cut thick slices.
2. Eggs cooked celery hot ripe, the egg is good and cut into small pieces.
3. Two slices of toast, the refrigerator if butter, take a small piece of melting at room temperature, then intersect ting garlic mixed in, in a slice of bread on daub one, preheat the oven to 200 degree, put a slice of bread baking about eight to 10 minutes, convert the pan baking is the same. Final cut botanical slimming will do.
4. Take a large bowl, add the lettuce leaves and small pieces of tomatoes, cucumbers, cut good eggs, celery section, shrimp d, add a little salt and black pepper mill is broken, olive oil, lemon juice on the crowded half, mix and roast good garlic sweet toast d, then on a few small almond can be broken.
Speed thin Chinese food a: mushroom spinach noodle
Mushroom spinach noodle materials: three color spiral face 100 grams, mushroom 100 grams, spinach, 100 g ham piece 50 grams, Onions, garlic, 3 disc half a fresh cream, 100 g salt 2 g, meizitang botanical slimming white pepper 2 grams.

Meizitang slimming,refrigeration effect is insufficient

Leftovers also can eat? A lot of people hear legends, leftovers not overnight, will be poisonous; and people heard that severe losses will be leftovers nutrients, there is nothing to eat. Meizitang slimming, In fact, whether can eat leftovers, to see what is left, how long left under what conditions storage, to what is heating conditions, and really can't to one sentence if you can eat. First turn leftovers into two categories: vegetables and fish, flesh and soy products.
Leftovers for conditions with meat
Regardless of which kind of food, in room temperature is lower, Meizitang slimming,the longer the time of the later in the refrigerator, microbial "base" is greater, for more safety after.
Into the refrigerator in, the cooling speed is also very important. If the refrigerator things too full, Meizitang slimming,refrigeration effect is insufficient or dishes piece of too big, air conditioning to slow, add to the food for a long time to reduce the temperature to drop, so also can bring safe hidden trouble.
1, meat, fish, bean products-be careful toxic microorganisms
Fish, meat and bean products only microbial propagation, nitrite problem basically it is unnecessary to consider.
Fish, meat and compared bean products, bean products more easily corruption. Their common trouble is possible risk breeding pathogenic bacteria, such as the terror of clostridium outline. The bacteria can produce the world first poison "boot", toxicity, Meizitang botanical slimming, Qinghai is ten thousand times. Toxins in 100 degrees above heating a few minutes to damage, but if there is no heat through, is very dangerous.
2, vegetables-be careful nitrite
People often say that the overnight might produce harmful matter, actually said is vegetables. Meizitang slimming,Because of the vegetable contain high levels of nitrite, is in storage for bacteria in the process of activity may gradually into toxic nitrite.
However, if only in the refrigerator is putting all night, and the rise of nitrite is still far from to the cause of food safety accidents degree. But anyway, vegetables are not suggested more than 24 hours left, the cold food is more careful.
3, thoroughly heating
Leftovers in the next meal are possible, but must thoroughly heat. The so-called thoroughly heating, the food is whole heated to 100 degrees, keep boiling 3 minutes or more.
Meat heating: if the pieces is bigger, must be boiled, steamed longer or put the pieces cut up, heating again.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Better able to stimulate you will lose weight

Lead: There are many things in life can do if you normally can play a very good time to add the role of weight loss, weight loss following botanical slimming tell you when you can eat a few fruits, these fruits can not only help to lose weight can also help seven to improve your metabolic detoxification. (Please login for more ways to lose weight loss
Female kiwi
Kiwi super-multi-vitamin c, beauty has always been the girl's favorite. As it is the highest among the fruits of dietary fiber and rich in potassium, it can indeed be included within the thin fruit Billboard! And, like pineapple, kiwi fruit is also a large number of protein enzymes, and meat dishes with it is no better. A little sweet and sour taste of kiwi, to prevent constipation, helps digestion, beautify the skin of strange effects. In the way of botanical slimming, it really can benefit us a lot by eating this kind of fruit.
Strictly speaking, tomatoes, vegetables should be attributed only correct it. Tomatoes contain lycopene, dietary fiber and pectin components can reduce calorie intake, promote gastrointestinal motility. Moreover, the unique acidity can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and even improve the taste of food; cooking healthy food is good too! For most girls, botanical slimming consider tomato is their favorite food.
Have heard people say that pineapple is "profit", be sure to eat a meal will not hurt stomach? But this argument has a basis. Because the pineapple enzyme protein rather strong, although the meat protein digestion can help, but meizitang  slimming remind you if you eat before a meal, then it is likely to cause gastric injury. Therefore, the use of eating pineapple to slim must pay attention to a matter of time.
Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin a, potassium, etc., so there are great stabilize the digestive system, strengthening muscles, it features soft diuretic. For constant constipation, botanical slimming think for dry skin girls, this is thin beautiful fruit! In addition, the quality of sugar as the main component of the banana, you can eat immediately after digestion, quickly add strength. And the banana is very satiety, as long as you can eat a wrapped belly, and the heat fairly low calories, it can not because he thought the sweetness negative weight.
Tea weight-loss method
Caffeine in coffee, can promote the role of lipolysis, the release of the fat in the blood, so you can lose weight drinking coffee. In general,    meizitang   botanical slimming recommends you the 1 day 4 cup of coffee without sugar and milk can achieve the desired weight loss too soon. Stomach indigestion, hyperacidity, insomnia is best not to use the same method.
Smells weight-loss method
The smell of coffee makes emotional stability and can improve the sensitivity of the senses, so the work, drink a cup of coffee can improve work efficiency, and better able to stimulate you will lose weight. Smells weight-loss method smell of coffee makes emotional stability and can improve the sensitivity of the senses, so the work, in the way of botanical slimming, drink a cup of coffee can improve work efficiency, and better able to stimulate you will lose weight.
In addition, you can combine exercise and massage to achieve weight-loss results. 30-40 minutes after drinking coffee because the blood fatty acid concentrations become high, when coupled with regular exercise, it can be fatty acids into energy, burn fat effectively. Such as brisk walking for 10-15 minutes; not take the elevator and take the stairs back to the office or at home; botanical slimming think it can also do some small movement in situ, such as to reverse the upper body stretching, running, abdomen, etc.

Meizitang slimming thinks it is not conducive to weight loss

Office lady has played many a cup of coffee early in the habit of the time in the weight-loss diet can play a pick-me-row edema, then there is the circle of coffee to lose weight so you? Diet meizitang botanical slimming   oss diet tips to help you lose weight the proper use of coffee, easy weight loss will not cause any burden on the body
Love it reasons:
1, black coffee will help eliminate the edema
Caffeine has a diuretic effect, can increase urine output, body discharge excess water, improve the edema. But botanical slimming know that too much caffeine can affect blood pressure and sleep quality, general morning cup after lunch, a cup is enough.
2, drinks black coffee to flush the stool
Some scientists believe that coffee is coarse fiber foods in terms of a more rapid and mild cathartic agent, it at least 1 / 3 of people effectively, women are more apparent. Help row stool composition, is a quick "body fluid hormone" or neurotransmitter mechanisms. Botanical slimming was found that only 4 minutes after drinking coffee, the movement began to strengthen the large intestine, which promotes the role of gastric peristalsis strongest in the early morning, at night when you become weak.
3, very low calorie
A cup of black coffee about 100 grams contains only 2.55 kcal. So after dinner a cup of black coffee not only can speed up the decomposition of fat, botanical slimming not to worry about the problem of excessive caloric intake.
4, can promote the decomposition of hidden fat
Caffeine in blood concentrations of fatty acids plays the role. Botanical slimming, once the blood concentration of fatty acids, fatty acids, and the muscle will be absorbed into the body in a way the energy is consumed. Black coffee weight loss:
1, shallow baking, rich flavor more effectively
High temperature baking of coffee, although the strong flavor, but the caffeine content is relatively small, meizitang  slimming thinks it is not conducive to weight loss, and relatively light taste of American coffee is more conducive to weight loss.
2, without sugar, bitter sweet in its own
If you are not accustomed to bitter taste of coffee, you can add a little milk, but do not add sugar because the sugar will prevent the decomposition of fats, excessive caloric intake can also cause problems.
3, Time! Passage of time the fat
Drinking black coffee diet, time of the master is also very important. It is said that after lunch 30-1 minutes, the taste of a cup of strong coffee without sugar and partners, helps digestion after meals, and promote fat burning. Before work, drink a cup of coffee, and with the walk, botanical slimming think you can reach a certain weight loss goal.
In other words, a cup of coffee can promote the body pent-fat decomposition.

Meizitang botanical slimming,and can't provide the most need at this time the moisture of the body

The human body, every day at least diet should be added 2200 ml water, don't wait for the thirsty to drink water. Drink water although everybody will be, but how to drink water to calculate "scientific"?
Plain boiled water to drink will make you more and blinder edema
1, drink
Fresh water is the best choice. Plain boiled water is natural state through many of the water purification processing boil after, botanical slimming, and the microorganism of the water has been in high temperature was killed, and boiled water of calcium, magnesium elements on the body skin is very beneficial. Research has shown that contain calcium, magnesium and elements of the accelerated aging water prevention.
A lot of people think drinking weak brine health benefits and slow the aging, and since morning drink diluted saline, this kind of understanding is wrong. botanical slimming, Studies suggest that people in sleep all night not drink water drop, however breathing, sweating, urinary but is still on, and these physiological activities will lose a lot of water consumption, instead of making accelerated growth of wrinkles.
Plain boiled water rather than hand-writing
Fresh water is the best choice.
Plain boiled water is natural state through many of the water purification processing, boil, and the microorganism of the water has been in high temperature was killed, boiled water of ca, mg elements on the body health is very useful, and calcium, magnesium and elements of the water has the role of cardiovascular disease prevention. Botanical slimming, Plain boiled water still can make blood rapidly diluted, correcting the night high permeability dehydration.
Honey water rather than hand-writing
Get up early morning drink a cup of honey water is more scientific. People after a night of sleep after, in body most of the water has been draining and absorption, botanical slimming, then drink a cup of honey water on an empty stomach, which can supply moisture, and can increase nutrition and can fully replace the position of the plain boiled water.
Lemon water rather than hand-writing
.This cup is not only the best detoxification water body of acid &alkali neutralization agent still can have clear night at will, botanical slimming, eliminate toxins effect. In addition, if there are bad breath problem, it can also help you improve.
Don't drink???????
The fresh juice--aggravating the stomach burden x
Many people mistakenly believe that, morning drink a glass of fresh fruit juice is thirst and nutritious, actually this is wrong. In the morning the first a cup of water to drink juice, meizitang botanical slimming,and can't provide the most need at this time the moisture of the body, but are in shortage in the state of gastric bowel to let work, is not conducive to health.
Weak brine-not beneficial to health x
There are many people feel weak brine drink health benefits, and since morning drink diluted saline, this kind of understanding is not scientific. People in all night sleep not drink water, but breathing, sweating, urinary but is still on, these physiological activity consumes lose a lot of water, drink salt water instead will add to the high permeability dehydration, a more dry mouth. Botanical slimming, the morning of the human body is raised blood pressure first peak, drink salt water will make higher blood pressure.
Cola drinks-accelerated calcium and water loss x
Soda and cola in carbonated beverages usually has citric acid, in metabolism will accelerate the excretion of calcium, and reduce the content of calcium in the blood, long-term drinking can lead to calcium. And some drinks have diuretic effect, botanical slimming, morning drink not only cannot effectively complement the lack of water, also increases to the requirements of the water body, they cause water shortages in the body.
Milk-nutrition wasted x
Milk is not "the first a drink". Hollow drink milk but is "wear bowel and", stomach little time to digest, small intestinal absorption too late, milk nutritional value will not reflect, and others appear flatulence and allergic reaction, the more good deed into a bad thing. meizitang  botanical slimming, Therefore, the morning milk can't as the first one cup, to bring into full play the protein nutritional value.
2, the most suitable what temperature?
Some people like to get up in the morning drink in the refrigerator of ice water, and think it's most refreshing. In fact, this is the morning cup water untimely, because the gastrointestinal are emptying, cold or hot water will be in the skin of vitamin B loss, being overweight will cause skin breakouts, endocrine disorders, since morning drink, drink and room temperature of the same water best, botanical slimming, when it's cold boiled water to drink, to try to reduce the damage to the skin. All used to drinking cold temperature, the people, and the body of deoxidizing enzyme activity is higher, metabolism good condition, the skin bright, easy felt tired. In the evening before air hot water must build, because water in the air exposure is too long, can lose activity.
3, drink?
A healthy person, every day at least 7 to 8 cups of water to drink (2.5 liters), carry momentum big or hot weather, water quantity is increased accordingly. Botanical slimming, Get up early in the morning when a new day is the key moment of the body compensatory moisture and at the time of the 300 milliliter drink water is the best.
Early morning the first a cup of water to how to drink
Fasting: morning drink water must be hollow drink, also is before you eat, or do not rise to promote blood circulation, scouring effects such as intestines and stomach.
Slow drink: want to swallow appears awestruck, because water speed of conduct pipe body is very adverse, may cause lower blood pressure and brain edema, cause headaches, nausea and vomiting.
300 ml: get up early in the morning when a new day is the key moment of the body added moisture, and at the time of the 300 milliliter drink water is the best.
Every day: a healthy person, every day at least 7-to drink 8 glasses of water (2.5 liters), carry momentum big or hot weather, water quantity is increased accordingly.
Five big benefits
Added moisture: human body in night sleeping of time from urine, skin, and breathing consumes vast quantities of water, the morning get up later generations experience in a physiological form of water shortage. Botanical slimming, a night of the loss of human body of water about 450 ml, since morning drink water can complement body destabilization lost water.
Second, prevent constipation: get up early in the morning after drinking water can also stimulate the gastrointestinal peristalsis, moist intestines, promote the excretion of move bowels, prevention of constipation.
Three, flushing intestines and stomach: botanical slimming, wake up in the morning gastrointestinal have empty, then drink water can wash clean intestines and stomach, dilute hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, to alleviate stomach stimulation, make gastric bowel at the top. Four, awake brain: after getting up to drink water will soon be mucosa absorption into blood, can effectively increase the blood of soluble, dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, promote the blood circulation, prevent cardiovascular disease, also can let the person's brain quickly restored the waking state.
Five, beauty raise color: wake up in the morning for water body, let moisture quickly transported to the whole body, help the blood circulation,