Thursday, July 19, 2012

After bath motion to reduce weight

Neck, shoulder, waist, twist the elbow movement respectively, the left five, five on the right, repeat 3 times, if tired words, interval rest five (5) seconds. If you want to improve the strength of the movement, speed up the burning calories, repeated several times. please take one fruta planta per day, 30 minutes before breakfast and take it with warm water.
After bath motion to reduce weight 2: bend your knees movement
Exercise place: ham, arms, and abdominal muscle.
First the two leg unbend, left arm natural prolapse, bending left leg to right palm can hold to so far left heel, pause 5 seconds, put down his left leg. Also, bending the right leg to the left hand can hold to right heel, left and right leg exchange repeated all do 10 times, can have a rest.
After bath motion to reduce weight three: the arm massage movement
Exercise place: the arm, shoulder. fruta planta pills really works well on losing weight.
Sit straight upper body, unbend the right arm, and level assumes the 45 degrees, ShuangZhang natural prolapse. With his left hand gently bending from palm place to up, spiral knead until the shoulder, to repeat this act two minutes. The left arm and right arm truth, finish, rest 1 minute.
After bath motion to reduce weight four: massage movement
Exercise place: neck, shoulder. If you want to lose weight quickly then take fruta planta pill.
Sit straight the upper body, and keep out of the neck clothing take out, from ear root above the neck after start gently massage, spiral massage crisscross, force by light and heavy slowly until the shoulder. Pay attention to the upper part of the body keeps an upright position, close your eyes, or so alternate, repeatedly massage 3 minutes.

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