Friday, December 28, 2012

the worst food you can eat your diet

The victim for bread, There are many people list "bread" as an addictive? Honestly, there are many.Unfortunately, white bread is right near the top of the glycemic index, and the worst food you can eat your diet.When you enter the second phase you can eat bread, but only the slices of whole wheat.With rice and pasta.A small, ideally the whole grain version.Bad carbs increase weight. Want more evidence? Comparison of the body of Walker, marathon runner, sprinters.If you are not familiar with a sprinter's physical looks like, it is very muscular, with body fat and the other areas of the body may have the opposite Walker, small muscle and more fat.The short-distance runner does little or no low intensity exercise, primarily short hard outbreak and marathon runner overtrains so much they burned your body fat and muscle, which is why they seem almost morbid thin. Neglect of Health Welfare
Most people start dieting.I guess it is on a diet to.But some diet, especially the South Beach, a major health benefits.In fact, it is worth to the South Beach diet is the health benefits, even if you don't 2 day diet lose weight (but you do).I have high blood pressure, when I start.After 3 weeks on return to normal.Pre diabetes, or potential cardiac problems, can reduce their risk by following most of the diet.So there are a lot of useful internal changes in your blood chemistry occurring in your diet. So, if you follow the South Beach Diet properly, you will get good results.You will 2 day diet lose weight fast, keep down, get some important health benefits. Eat fat to fat burning For about 50 years, Americans have been eating low fat (some not fat) diet and interestingly we have gradually become fat and less health.Who says a low fat diet is healthier, more importantly, why eat less fat means you will reduce the fat?
Trying to keep this is easy to understand, because most of what you read and hear is complicated, confusing and contradictory, I want to direct, important, and explain things, most people can understand. Where to start??? Well, I did some research, found that very few science to back up the claims, eat less fat will let you trim.I also found many examples, completely ignoring the idea.For example, the French eat more fat than we in the United States, although obesity and disease and illness rates are quite low. Another example is the Alaska eskimos.They consume up to 70% calories from fat (whale and fish) and they have a minimum rate of heart disease in the world -- until they come to the United States, eat like us!

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